My Heaven | Teen Ink

My Heaven

June 3, 2016
By oliviaschlehuber BRONZE, Stoughton , Massachusetts
oliviaschlehuber BRONZE, Stoughton , Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

That day in August of 2008 seemed like a lifetime ago. I remember waking up to an eerie feeling, knowing that day ahead of me was full of tears and the lifting of many heavy cardboard boxes. My parents told me months in advance we would be moving from my childhood home, I just never believed it until that awful morning. When I found out I was going to leave my favorite place in the world, and my friends, I cried what seemed to be puddles for weeks. I realized I would never wake up another morning in the big yellow kitchen with white cabinets. I would never have the feeling of the sunlight hitting my face while I was eating breakfast at my kitchen table in the morning. Saying goodbye to my friends was heart breaking. I was in fourth grade, and leaving my elementary school friends seemed like it was the biggest deal in the whole world. They told me they would write me letters, but we all laughed and I reminded them that they could just pick up a phone and call me. As that dreary August morning was rolling along, I knew it was almost time to leave and never come back. All my memories rushed back to me, as I was just standing in my front yard staring at my big grey piece of heaven with dark green shutters. I started to cry, knowing I would never spend another summer here, riding my bike around the neighborhood, and coming home to the smell of fresh lemonade, and cut up watermelon. I pictured my siblings and I playing basketball in our driveway until it got dark out. Leaving my blue and pink bedroom seemed to be the hardest part of the day, I never wanted to leave, I went out to my ledge and just sat on the roof until I heard my mom yell that it was time to go. My heart stopped, I never thought I’d really hear her say those words. My life seemed to be ending at the moment, I wanted to roll up into a ball and lay there forever. My parents called for me again, and I slowly walked down the stairs to the black car that had my whole life in the trunk. As we pulled out of the driveway, I stared at the house, trying to capture an image that I would remember forever. I wanted to remember my favorite place, as the most beautiful and sacred place I knew. As I look back on the image I have engraved in my memory forever, I remember the place that started it all, after almost 10 years, I still remember it being the most amazing place I have ever known.

The author's comments:

I am a junior in high school,  I play field hockey, and I love spending time with my 7 siblings, and dog Elvis. 

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