The Journey Of Becoming A License Driver | Teen Ink

The Journey Of Becoming A License Driver

June 6, 2016
By Caleb97 BRONZE, Brookhaven, Pennsylvania
Caleb97 BRONZE, Brookhaven, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started when I turned 17 I was so excited about taking the permit test and passing so I could get on the road. My mom always warned me and told me to study, because if don’t study you are most likely to fail. She coached me saying everything in life you can’t just wing it or hope everything goes according to plan.  At first I didn’t listen to her and just lied and said I studied so she would take me to the DMV so I could take the test. Sure enough I failed and as soon as we got in the car she instantly started lecture saying how I should study more and that she knew I didn’t study. As soon as we got home I started to study getting ready to take the test again. It really helped that I already was taking a Driver’s Ed course for school so that really took a lot of pressure off of studying. Saturday comes and we get up early and drive down to the DMV and I wait for them to call my number then I go to the computer and begin taking the test. Instantly when the test started I knew the answers right off the back. I finished the test so fast my mom thought I failed.

I was so happy as I walked over to where my mom was sitting and I was grinning from ear to ear. I chat with mom telling her how I passed as we wait for the guy to call my name. Then he called my name and we gave him my personal information, he gave me my permit slip and I began my journey. Months went by practicing driving techniques getting parking down. I went home and scheduled my appointment with the DMV. Until the date came I continued to practice parking making sure I was doing everything right. Finally the day came when I had to take the test, we pull up to the DMV the gentlemen gets in the car and starts to instruct me and testing me to make sure I was doing everything right. He instructs me to go to the parallel parking part of the test. I do everything my mom should me to do but put a turning signal on coming out of parallel parking. Not realizing I didn’t put the turning on we continue to keep testing. At the end of the test I parked the car and the instructor reviews more score and unfortunately my score wasn’t high enough. I was so disappointed and so upset, I thought it was the end of the world. My mom began to coach me and told me to get up and schedule another appointment. So I did, and that same day I went and we began practicing to get everything and make sure I was doing what I was taught.
Then comes again and I am so nervous, I was shaking so bad that it looked I was in a freezer for 2 hours. The instructor gets in the car and takes me to parallel parking, it tells me start. I begin my parallel parking putting my turning on and parking the way I was taught. After I have parked the car he says good job and tells to pull up to the stop sign. This time I put my turning signal on as I’m leaving the parking spot. I finish the test moments later and pull up and park the car. He begins to tell me how I did and reviewing my test. He goes on telling me that I passed the test having a perfect score! I run out the car excited, jumping up and down. It was the best feeling, finishing something I never thought I could finish. Passing the test showed me that you can do anything when you your mind to it.

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