My First Dog | Teen Ink

My First Dog

June 8, 2016
By alexismariaahh BRONZE, Morrisville, Pennsylvania
alexismariaahh BRONZE, Morrisville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Friday night, and we were just sitting down to eat our pizza and the woman who’s supposed to bring Helena to us finally showed up. I remember the minute she trotted through our front door, I immediately jumped up to my feet to pet her. We put our other dog, Isabella on her leash so that it would be easier to control the dogs if they got into a fight. Although the lady who brought me Helena, told me that I couldn’t pet (or basically touch her at all) until (or basically touch her at all) until Helena and Bella had bonded. I remember my mom had told me that Helena would probably follow Isabella around for a couple of days, just too supposedly “get the hang of things” around the house.

A few hours later, after we had all settled down and everything calmed down we had decided to bring Helena to our local dog park. Walking her to the car and trying to get her into the car was such a chore because she was terrified of the car. But who wouldn’t be after spending most of their day in the car; that would be the last place you would want to be right? I remember when we finally got her to the dog park, she was very shy at first. Once we got her to park and she started to open up and play with other dogs and once she started running there is no stopping Helena.

After a year, one month, and three days of having our Helena (Or Bug as we like to call her) she’s very high energy, goofy, smart, and beautiful brindle puppy. She’s very easily lost outside in a pile of leaves or even some dirt, considering her brindle markings. She loves to play outside and hunt things. When we take Isabella and Helena on their morning walks, sometimes she will see a squirrel in a tree and start walking on her hind legs, to apparently try and “hunt” the squirrels; it is actually quite entertaining to see this brindle monster of a dog walking on her hind legs with a leash.

This dog that I have basically waited my whole entire life for, has finally come to me and I couldn’t be any happier that she’s with us or more proud of the things that she has learned or in myself for stepping up and taking care of her. I got my first job so that I could buy her stuff. I’m even more proud of myself for proving so many people wrong that continuously told me that I “wasn’t ready” to take care of a dog, but clearly here I am over a year later and I’m taking care of a dog, working, and going to school. Adopting Helena was the best thing that’s ever happened to me because it made me further realize to pursue my dream career of being a veterinary technician. Or basically anything to do with helping animals or in general just to be around them. Honestly, I can’t remember a time in life when I was ever as happy as I am now with having Helena in my life.

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