The (Not So) Little Woman | Teen Ink

The (Not So) Little Woman

June 8, 2016
By carlygambo BRONZE, Williamsville, New York
carlygambo BRONZE, Williamsville, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In front of me is a small girl with faded brown hair, short, and puffed out like a cloud on a sunny day, wispy yet full. She is stout, not even able to touch her feet to the ground while being upright in a chair. Her head slowly starts to rotate towards me, and I am already starting to picture her appearance. My mind gave me an image of a young girl, inexperienced in the world. However, I was very wrong. She slowly kept turning only to uncover the reality that she is actually a woman, well into the second half of her life. My mind must have misconstrued her youthful appearance from the back. Her somber eyes, filled with earthy tones but still luminous in the darkened room, look at me puzzled. I was taken aback by my extreme misinterpretation of the woman, giving my face a sour look like I had just bitten into a lemon for the first time. After her eyes look me up and down, examining every fiber and pore visible, she simply smiled. This revealed her teeth, which appeared to be tarnished by years of excessive coffee drinking. Her aged skin was noticeably wrinkled and undefined. Each fold of skin draped over the one below it like curtains hanging above a window. I can feel her studying me deep beneath my surface. The blank stare she gave me made me feel like her cultivated wits were trying to characterize me, just like I had with her. Once the woman was finished looking at me, her eyes slowly made their way up my face and we locked eyes. The glassy eyes stayed there for a few seconds making me feel like one of us should say something to break the silence. Finally I could see a slight twitch in her lip, giving me hope that she was at last going to say something to me so I wouldn't have to. I could feel my hands quickly becoming clammy with the suspense of what she was going to say. Her mouth beings to open more and more and I could see her tongue preparing for dictation. Was she going to say something rude? Tell me to stop staring at her? My hair looks nice? I wanted her to just spit it out already! After my mind went through a million different scenarios of what she could possibly say, I started to hear the woman’s voice, and she tells me “you look just like me when I was your age.”

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