Growing Up | Teen Ink

Growing Up

October 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Hi my name is Justin I cars and playing lacrosse on my free time. Getting a job is a big responsibility. Most students in high school make the excuse of not having a job because they don't have time. However, figuring out a way to manage your time for not only school, but also sports and a job is obtainable for anyone.  Learning to manage your time well enough to succeed is an important step in becoming an adult.


I got my first job at the age of fifteen.When I got my first job managing time at the beginning was hard. I had to get used to it. I worked in a restaurant washing dishes. It was a nice first job I enjoyed it. All of the people I worked with were nice and friendly. They were always there for support and my boss Dave was very understanding. He always told the highschool kids “If at any point it becomes to much just let me know”. I had no choice but to get a job at this age because my dad was wrongfully laid off of work. He got injured on the job and he wasn't getting any better. He had to go in for a very dangerous procedure that could have caused him to be paralyzed from the neck down if done wrong. Surgeons had to go in through his neck to remove three discs from his back and fuse five of them back together. After the procedure he improved however due to him still in pain was unable to go back to work. I realized I would need to get a job to pay for the things I want because my parents could only pay for the necessities because of all the hospital bills they had to pay. If I didn't get a job I wouldn't have been able to get a phone, my license or a car. I had to pay for driving school and the test to get my license and then after that save for a car so I could get myself to and from places I needed to go like school and work. These are the things most teens take for granted but for me it was a reward.

This summer was one of the toughest summers for me. I had to spend most of my days off of work with my grandparents because they were both sick and not doing well. My grandfather was in and out of the hospital every other week so I would wake up early and go to my grandmother's house to bring her to the hospital and spent the day with them. After my grandfather came home my grandmother had to go to the hospital a week later so I would go and spend time with her there. Most of my summer was spent in the hospital or at work. I gained a lot of responsibilities over this summer which transitioned me from childhood to adulthood.

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