Foolish Fun | Teen Ink

Foolish Fun

October 18, 2016
By Oakland BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
Oakland BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were foolish and young, looking for fun, we were kids; My sister and I. Standing in our mother’s room, the purple room as we would call it, a perfect sunshiny day with boredom in the air, with absolutely nothing that could go wrong, or as we thought. “Would you like to play a game?” My sister, Lizzy, had asked. I nodded, and we gathered some toys and opened the window. We threw our toys onto the roof, carefully climbing out.

“On a count of three,” “One...Two...THREE!” We each threw our toys off. Trying to throw them the furthest, we continued until our last toy. We went back in through the window we left open, and quickly shut the window, as not to get pull attention towards it. The boredom was back. We wandered off to our room, the pink room as it was called. We decided to play another game. Huffing and puffing, trying to slant the bed. Finally, out of breath we got the bed slanted. “You take the top half, I’ll take the bottom side,” I told her. She nodded in agreement, we started our game. After ten minutes of the game my little sister, Abby, asked if she could join. With huge smiles plastered on our faces, we said yes. I told her to take the top, by Lizzy. She went up, both of them jumping symmetrically, and I jumping last. Our fun was short lived. All the sudden, with one last jump, I flew through the air. I met the long wooden toy-box face first. I immediately screamed in pain.

“Mom! “ I screamed running down the stairs, “I think I lost a tooth!” I approached her with tears rushing down my face.

“Stay calm.” She told me, getting up to get a glass of milk. I nodded, taking the glass she had. “How did it happen?” I explained the story, from the moment we opened the window, to the moment I hit the toy-box. She told us to go look for the tooth, after an hour we gave up. We ended up getting in trouble for our game of “Teeter-Totter.”

As we were only kids, foolish and young, looking for fun, and causing any trouble we could.

The author's comments:

I was stuck between a sad memoir and a happy one, I started off with a sad, it was a big time for me, as a kid, you know we all do foolish things as children, and it kind of shaped who I am today, with all the foolish things I have done in my lifetime, this was by far, the worst foolish mistake, but fun. 

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