My Memoir | Teen Ink

My Memoir

October 18, 2016
By 8DoudSM BRONZE, Battle Creek, Hawaii
8DoudSM BRONZE, Battle Creek, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the last day of summer so of course we had to do something Fun, we all stayed at cody’s. That night we were out riding our bikes all around town having a blast, we had the energy because we knew what we were doing was illegal so just having the thought of the cops seeing us gave me the adrenaline to run away. It was 3am and just starting to rain very softly. It was very humid so we knew it was gonna rain and in the distance we could hear a little thunder.  We get back into the neighborhood around 3 am and start to walk around the block and we get to a house and we decided it would be a amazing to “ding dong ditch” them. One of my buddys ran up to the door and knocked . We all dart across the street and hid behind things so we can watch their reaction.

A man probably in his 30’s came to the door in his Pajamas and rubbing his eyes while looking very confused. He looks down the street and yells “damn kids”. He goes back inside and us laughing about what he had just said,  we decided to do it again. The same person who did it the first time ran up to the door and knocked and ran across the street again. He came to the door as soon as my friend got to his hiding spot. “Im calling the police” yells the man. We all gaze at each other and start sprinting down the street. We get almost to cody’s and start laughing about what just happened. When I saw a car around the corner with no lights on creeping forward. “Dude that’s a cop” I say. Without hesitation we start running to a closer friends house and hide in his yard.

I wasn’t very hidden, I hid in the shadows of a tree. All my other friends had decent spots. Im looking for the cops to see if they came chasing or if they even saw us, when i see the spotlight. Right away my stomach dropped to my toes, remember i’m only in a shadow and if you shine light in a shadow there is no more shadow. They drive by the area i’m in without seeing me but they stopped and got out. Right away I knew we were done for cause i heard one of the officers said, “i got some footprints right here”, and follows them with his light and sees my friend behind a shrub.

The cop with has gun drawn aiming at my friend yells “LEMME SEE YOUR HANDS NOW”. He puts his hands up “where are the others”says the cop while grabbing his cuffs. ‘I don't know sir” said my friend clearly scared.  And the other cop who we had completely forgot about says “we got another right here” while shining his light right at me. “There are the other two” while shining his light at the other boys. “How stupid could you boys be? We were gonna let you guys go until you ran away. Now we gotta talk to your parents”.

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