Divorce | Teen Ink


October 18, 2016
By lexiwesterman BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
lexiwesterman BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It seemed like any other day. My mom was in the kitchen while I was sitting in the big chair in the living room with my dad watching tv, probably Spongebob because we both loved that show. My parents seemed upset because they weren’t talking much, not to me or each other. At this time, I was living in the house that my dad built when my mom was pregnant with me. My mom comes into the living room and sits on the couch reaching for the tv remotes to turn the tv off so I wouldn’t be distracted for what they were about to tell me. Me, loving to watch tv, I was confused as to why my mom had shut the tv off, if I’m being completely honest I was a little mad that she turned it off right in the middle of my favorite show. My parents both take a deep breath, looking at each other like they were about to share something terrible with me. After starring at each other they both look at me and start to cry, mostly my mom, they tell me that they are getting divorced. Being only 5 years old I was stumped on what they exactly meant. As my parents are explaining to me what divorce meant, I was trying to understand what this meant with uncontrollable tears running down my face. Even though I didn’t completely understand what was happening, I think I was mostly crying because my mom was crying. A couple of weeks before they told me I noticed that they had been fighting a lot while I would be sitting in my room upstairs playing with toys, thinking that everything was going to be okay and them not knowing that I was listening.

Days past by and my dad is nowhere to be found, at least that’s what I thought at the time. My mom knew where he was, she hadn't told me at the time about why they got divorced and where he had been. For a while it was just my mom and I. The house was quiet most of the time, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the floor.
When I was 15 my mom told me why her and my dad got divorced, I kept asking and she thought it was time that I knew. She told me that my dad had been seeing another woman and then when they got divorced he went and stayed with her, that’s where he was. Shocked was what I was feeling. How could my dad do this to my mom and our family? Why? Til this day I still don’t understand why. When I found out I had a little bit of an attitude with my dad for a while, he knew that I knew about it but he never bothered to bring it up. We both knew it would be an awkward and uncomfortable conversation.

Things are different now, different for the better. Both of my parents are re married to people that I absolutely love. My parents are friends, I think it’s mostly because of me. They both come to every one of my sporting events and support me with everything I do. Obviously they still have arguments but that’s normal. It’s crazy how such a bad thing can turn into a good thing in the end.

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