Open Your Eyes | Teen Ink

Open Your Eyes

October 18, 2016
By Anonymous

It was roughly three years ago, A beautiful clear sky peering over,bright sun and a great day.I was doing what I would always do go ride my bike around town get some fresh air in my lungs. I did my daily trip down to the bridge downtown to ride the park and see what's up that day. There were painters down there painting designs and words and at that time I didn't know what they were. Well I decided to watch and it turned out they were graffiti artist and they were amazing it was gorgeous what they were doing. They were expressing themselves in a way I never knew. I was instantly hooked they had vibrant neon colors that grabbed the eye, and crazy designs with amazing font. Then i looked closer at their tattoos and alot of them had their “tag name” tattooed on them and i thought that was kinda cool almost mixing the two worlds ina way. I mean both have similarities they can be looked at as painting because how you paint the skin but the amount of difficult in both is nothing short of amazing. The amount you can say with just a tattoo is beautiful, They tell whole storys with just an image on a piece of skin. So now I try to draw when i get the motivation, ill find something I really like, like a rose and a pocket watch which is my most recent one. And you take these different objects and the fun is trying to make them go together to fit a piece of your body and work together with other pieces like if you want sleeves or something. So this really affected my life because i used to think tattoos and graffiti were only for thugs and vandalist but its just art using a diffrent medium so now when we travel I look at different graffiti styles and I make a mental note of where I saw what style the most and how different artist can use the same style but do it completely different.So my point is I was like a horse with blinders,i was only focused on what i do but if you open your eyes to the world and see what happens around you  miss everything.

The author's comments:

open your eyes you miss alot

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