My 6th Grade Year | Teen Ink

My 6th Grade Year

October 5, 2016
By Anonymous

I switched schools this year because my mom recognized that my teacher’s style was not effectively meeting my needs. My mom worked at the same school district so she was able to keep a close eye on my teacher as well and my progress. Enrolling me in this school was the biggest mistake that my mom ever made. Let’s start at the beginning.

August 2 when my mom dropped me off she said to me and my sister, “have a good day.”

We said, “You too,” not even knowing it was the last good day i would have in a year.

The school was really small and run down. Already I got dirty looks and i’ve been there for 5 minutes. When I went into the classroom 105, and i saw my new teacher Mr. Joyce was the teacher I knew his name because his name was on the door. My first impression, he was nice. When I sat down he didn't even acknowledge me. I was invisible until he began taking attendance.

I heard him yell, “Are you new to this school?”

Looking up at him I said, “Yes,” in a very quiet tone.

He immediately got annoyed and yelled even louder,“ Why are you so quiet?”

I yelled back, “Because i’m really shy!” almost trying not to cry.

Mr. Joyce didn’t care and said, “Well ok, but just be louder next time,” with a angry face.

The bell rang and he kept taking attendance. The person next to me will not stop staring at me. This dude looks so confused as if to think, why is this pale dude in my class. I just tried to ignore him.

Lunch time came around and the food looked really disgusting, but I got the food anyway because I had to eat. I paid for my lunch and looked for somewhere to sit down. One group of students had a spot free. When I sat down I immediately get a stare, as if they saw  ghost. It seemed as if they were so amazed that I was so white and they couldn't stop staring at me for about 20 minutes. Well, in that  20 minutes time frame, I ate that horrible food and I survived that terrible seating arrangement. One of the people looked directly at me pointing his finger at me instead of saying hi. He asked, “You, who are you?”

  looking up I said, “I'm new.”
He looked directly and to my surprise, he said, “cool name”. Then he said “we don’t like you, you are too pale to our liking”.
Then I said “what? That makes no sense”.
He said back “Well i don’t care you are on the list.”
I said back “ok?”
Finally school ended and I had to wait on this bench until my mom came and got me. No one would not stop staring at me I felt like I was the only white person at this school and they acted like they never saw a white kid before and I was the only white kid there.
The next few weeks people just started coming up to me very slowly and cautiously like I was going to hurt them. I looked up and they ran back to where they were. It was so bizarre. The month of September goes by very fast with the bizarre kids running away and running back.
October 5 I’ve started my egyption project on irrigation on my list of materials I had to get: sand, a little bucket, a box, color pencils, some scissors, and some thin rope. The project only took me a few weeks but I got it done. I went to go turn it in,
he said “go put in the back on the counter.”
I said “but everyone else's is in the front why does mine have to go in the back.”
He said “well there is no room.”
I said “there is room.”
He says “where?” I show him where there is room and he said “oh i’m sorry I didn't realize there was room there you can put you project there.”
I said “ok.”
On november 12 I almost got spat on by someone in my class. Like they were better than me, my opinion they look like dirt bags anyway. One day when Mr. Joyce graded our projects I got an F but I turned mine in and
I said “Umm you made a mistake.”
Mr. Joyce said “no I did not.”
I said “I turned my project in, actually where is it?”
Mr. Joyce says in a happy tone “I destroyed your project and you need to start it over tonight or you fail.”
I said “I don’t get a week's notice to start my project over.”
Mr. Joyce said “I don’t care you're just dead weight, worthless and you don’t need a week's notice Blank boy, you should know better.” That was the first time I was ever disrespected by a teacher for doing nothing, but questioning them why he destroyed my project.
On november 25 during recess I tried to make some friends. I am really shy so it’s kinda hard for me to make friends so i attempt to join a group of people playing volleyball.
I say “Hi”. I get no response I say “Hey can i join”.
They look at me one of them I swear was about to spit at me they say in unison screaming “No we are full!” I walked away.
December 18 school year was almost over the day was going really well until someone grabs me and pulls me to a the men's restroom.
I say “What is wrong.”
He replies “Hi i’m Andrew”.
I say “How are you Andrew”.
Andrew says “i’m good this is the only way I can talk to you”.
I say “Why is that”.
Andrew says “Well it is kinda embarrassing to meet the new kid because well you are not one of us you cracker”.
I say “What did you just call me”.
Andrew replies “a cracker you know you're white and you need to transfer out of this school”.
I say “No i’m not going to listen to a kid in my class telling me what to do.”
Andrew replies “Well now I have to kill you now”.
I said “Nope”. I run out of the bathroom.
Andrew yelling at me from afar “Run you stupid cracker.”
I look behind me and andrew is chasing me I start running back to my classroom it’s my only chance getting rid of andrew. Andrew is picking up speed i’m almost to my classroom and the door is closed. I SLAMMED into the door and I fall to the ground. Andrew follows stops and looks down at me then he starts kicking my stomach and almost started stomping on my head trying to kill me or make me suffer.
He starts chanting “Ha ha you can’t get up, stupid white boy, i’m going to kill you, and no one will ever know.”
A teacher overheard and called the police and arrested andrew and put him in juvenile detention.
The next semester was brutal after that encounter with andrew everything has been a lot different.
On January 16 I have been getting dirty looks from everyone one of my classmates. They must of found out about andrew in juvenile detention. There mad at me wow these people really don’t have brains or common sense.
The person next to who I don’t know at all taps my shoulder and says “Hey how is it going if you, even know what that means you retard”.
I say “i'm good maybe you should not judge a book by it’s cover if you know what that means you cheater.”
He replies “oh I thought all crackers were stupid but you are a smart one”.
I say “yeah i’m trying to do work can you please like be quiet or don’t bother me for now please”.
He replies with simply one thing. He raises his hand and backhands me across the face. He chuckles under his breath he says “Stupid white boy”.
That made no sense jokes on him he is the dumbest one in the class.
On february 20 this is when i’m hanging out with some people i’m trying to get to know them and one of them was this quiet nice girl and she got a ball thrown at her face and she starts crying I get the blame.
He says “why did you throw the ball at her face.”
I say “What you did that”.
He replies “It’s your responsibility anyway well you know you're white.”
I say “that makes no sense what so ever and why do you hate me i did nothing wrong”.
He says “yes you did something wrong being alive because i believe that all white people should die for even stepping foot in this school it will be like the holocaust again but with white people. Also I hate your personality.”
I start running away in tears of fear and I went in the bathroom to calm down and I thought in my head this kid is insane.

On march 15 they open the basketball court and I see no adults out there, but wanted to play basketball, but my classmates start running towards me screaming


I say “Why can’t I play basketball, the teachers won't allow this.”

He says “Well it’s my court my rules plus they don’t care I can kill you if i want.” I just leave what’s the point in arguing i’m just a useless cracker anyway. When there were adults at the basketball court they were scared to yell at me so they let me on and play basketball.

On April 10 this time it was worse than ever before i told a teacher of my problems with the students and I think one of them followed me and waited 2 hours for me to leave the guidance office and I don’t know why the teacher didn’t come looking for that person. I walk out the door and around the corner and I hear the bushes moving around by someone and he jumps out of the bushes he almost tackles me but I hear him yelling so I stop he misses and face plants the ground.

I help him up to his feet saying “Oh my gosh are you ok?”

I got him up and he starts yelling saying “Why did you push me on the ground?”

I replied “I did not push you on the ground you tried to tackle me, why are you trying to tackle me?”

He replies”Well you're white and you deserve pain and suffering.”

I replied “Why do I need be treated this way.”

He says “Because you're white I don’t need to say anything else because all white people are evil and you are too nice you need to be evil plus why are you so smart.

I replied “Um I read and do my work.”

He says “Wow you are worthless, work won’t get you anywhere.”

I say “How long have you been waiting behind the corner and why haven't the teachers been looking for you?”
he says “3 hours and the teachers don’t care about what we do like making you feel like blank also drink bleach you worthless piece of Blank”.

I went into the bathroom and start bashing my head and my arm into the wall hoping one of them cuts me open like a fish and bleedout. I failed and went back to class.

April 11 I start getting these eco thoughts “drink bleach” “die white boy” “you are so dumb because you have autism” “no one cares about you” “you're worthless you’re family even hates you” “You’re personality needs to die we don’t need anymore nice people in the world”. I start to get depressed and reaching the line of suicidal thoughts.

April 19 i start to think of a plan of dying at school of dehydration and I almost wrote a note but I did not. The plan failed because I was too scared to do it, but that is a good thing. I stopped eating and drinking a lot because I was so depressed.

May 15 my promotion night was actually pretty good no one bothered making jokes about my weight, personality, my size, and my intelligence or telling me to commit suicide because my parents were here and they didn’t want to cause trouble.

May 25 last day of school it was a half day of playing video games at school and when that bell rang I couldn’t be anymore happier leave these people were giving there hugs of goodbyes some were crying but I just walked home and i’m glad I survived the 6th grade.

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