Homework | Teen Ink


October 19, 2016
By Anonymous

An ordinary emotional event for me is when I have homework. My day will be fine and then all of a sudden I remember that I have homework. When I remember that I have homework my happiness fades and I feel like hiding from the world.

I was alone in my room. The sun was starting to set outside, and the temperature was starting to drop. I was getting ready to go to bed, getting comfortable, and starting to forget about all my responsibilities. I suddenly remembered that I had homework, I didn’t want to get up from my bed but I knew that I had to.

That day my teacher gave me homework which had a lot of work, I wasn’t looking forward to it at all. I wasn’t really getting what I had to do and I was tired of having so much homework everyday.

While I was attempting to do my homework I kept messing up and having to keep erasing which was making me frustrated. I could feel my head getting as hot as the sun out of anger.

I knew that I had to do my homework that night out of all other days because we had to do something important in class the next day. If I didn’t do my work I would stress about it the rest of the day and night and wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else so I just wanted to get it over with.

I remember working hard on it only to realize that I had been doing it wrong.

Suddenly, after working on it for over an hour I had a breakthrough and realized what I had been doing wrong all along. I finally understood the homework and got it done quickly. I was confident I had the right answers but by that point I didn’t really care if it was right I just wanted it to be over.

I vividly remember getting to the last question anxious to finish it so I could be done with it. My hands were slightly red and tired of all the writing and erasing I had been doing, my head was swirling with thoughts until it suddenly came to a blank. I could see my pencil moving across the page and suddenly just dropping on the paper.

I had finally completed my homework. I was so relieved and felt a surge of calmness come over me like a blanket. Everything was normal again and I can finally go back to what I was doing before.

While i’m doing my homework i’m usually very frustrated because I could be using my free time for other stuff that i’m actually interested in. Finishing my homework helps me relax and not have to stress about it all day and night. Even though I don’t want to I know that I should finish my homework. A lot of times in life you have to do things that you don’t necessarily want to but you have to do it to get better and to move on in life and eventually you won’t have to do things, that you don’t want to do.

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