Life Changing Event | Teen Ink

Life Changing Event

October 19, 2016
By Anonymous

It was just another normal school day and I started it off like any other and met up with my girlfriend. She was still somewhat asleep as usual in the mornings holding her cup of coffee that her grandma would always get her.  We went up stairs to drop my bag off at my locker then headed to her first hour as we went on with our routine I noticed what was usually going on in the morning with people all over the halls with people gossiping, shouting down the hall at friends, or just moping around not wanting to be here. We met up with our friend like we did every morning, who was always sassy but in a good way in that you wouldn’t be able to go without hearing it every morning. She had coffee from the shop that she stopped by at every day before coming to school and as always didn’t feel like dealing with people today.

The rest of the day carried on as usual and felt like it was dragging on and on. The end of the day finally came after what felt like hours and hours of lectures and sitting in a seat doing mindless work that I would probably forget about within the next couple days.

I rode the bus home just like any other day and sat in the same seat that I always sit in and chatted with my friend about random things until he got off. For the rest of the ride I sat back and listened to music until my stop. I got off and went inside and hung out in my room and without having much to do I turned on the t.v and played video games for a bit.

After about half an hour there was a knock on the door, it was my neighbor asking if i’d come out and play some football with them. Having nothing better to do other than play the same video games for hours on end I said yes and went out to play for a bit. It wasn’t a big backyard football game but it beat just sitting there staring at a bright screen lighting the whole room. We played a couple small games of two on two running different plays and changing teams around after a couple touchdowns.

Then I checked my phone and read a text message that made my entire body shudder and make it feel like I was just hit by a train. It was my girlfriend telling me that our friend who walked with us every morning had gotten in a car accident with one of her other close friends and both passed away at the accident. Trying not to break down completely I messaged her back asking if she needed me to come over. She said her best friend was going over to spend the night there.

After that I proceeded to stop playing football and started walking to the house and saw my mom walking out to tell me the same terrible news that I had just learned about. Before she said a single word I gave her a hug and wanted to just break down then and there. This was a friend that even though I just met her this year, was one of the best people I had ever met and couldn’t believe that just like that she was gone, she was funny and had sass like no one else but it was a good kind of sass, I was gonna miss that and realization was starting to hit that I really would never hear that again.

I didn’t have the motivation to do much after that and did what I normally do to escape from reality and went out for a bit to play some lacrosse. I didn’t want to believe that this happened, I refused to accept the fact that she was gone. It felt like there was a thousand thoughts just rushing through my head.

I eventually just went into my room for the rest of the night not saying or doing anything. The days to follow were some of the worst days ever, with people crying as they walked through the halls, to learning of when the funerals would be which just added to the pain. Life would never be the same without these two in our lives and they will forever be missed.

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