Halloween | Teen Ink


October 19, 2016
By Trevor19 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
Trevor19 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember my first halloween we would always go up to my grandma’s. She would always give us kids a lot more candy than normal kids and sometimes hot coco. And after that time when she was gone it hasn’t been the same I don’t feel as if halloween is the same. But it is most important to fight through these problems cause life's too short to drag on the little things.

Life is a very hard thing to go through sometimes there's times you cry and times you laugh. Sometimes you wanna hit something because you're angry or yell. Like this one time I was angry and I punched the wall a lot and my hand started to swell.But sometimes the actions can just be overcome by emotion. Sometimes emotion can make your action or anger come out and be really bad.

But there is also a lot more things that happen during sad times you can become closer to some people. You also start to remember all the goods and funny times that you guys had or flashbacks. Sometimes it’s not even a person it could just be an animal like one time I had a cat that was paralyzed in its back legs and we had to shoot it and it was only 5 days old. It was a horrible time for me I felt like the world was ending and I remember the last time I seen him. So not only can you feel like this with someone but also with a animal.

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