The day I lost my other half | Teen Ink

The day I lost my other half

October 21, 2016
By Anonymous

October 20th I got the worst news of my life, I was sitting in my 5th hour english class and my heart dropped, it went to the bottom of my feet. I ran to the bathroom and suddenly lost everything I had held in my stomach. It was so sad and cold, I felt so confused and hurt, my emotions were going insane, I felt like I could never get back to reality, I was so overwhelmed, so upset, I had no one. I just got the news my best friend was taken from me, I got the news I lost my other half.

I didn’t show up to school for a week, my heart was too broken to even move. The day of the visitation came and I could barely hold myself together. As I was driving my car down columbia almost to the funeral home, my car dies. It won’t start and I had no idea what to do. It was thirty minutes away from the visitation ending and I couldn’t miss it. This was my final face to face goodbye I couldn’t miss this. People were zooming by honking their horns yelling mean and awful things at me. I thought it was done for right there. Then I felt something, it was my best friend with me in spirit.

This nice policeman came up took my information and then took me to his visitation with three minutes to spare. I was so grateful, and still so am grateful. When I walked in I lost it all, I feel into my best friend's mom's arms and just sobbed. He looked like he could sit up and talk to me again, like we could just hop in the car and go for a drive again. Oh but he looked so handsome, like when he would clean up real nice for Brogan. I just kept wanting to shake him and wake him up, but I knew he was gone forever. Or so I thought.

After his viewing I went home and cried and cried. I fell asleep that night, and it was like I was awake the whole time with Dan. We were reliving some of our memories from when we were kids. When I was about 11 and he was almost 13 and we were swinging on the swings at lamora park. Then it switched to us driving around blaring music and just dancing the night away. That was the first time he came and visited me, and he continues to till this day. He always said to me take care of Brogan take care of Abbie I love you.

I know my best friend still lives on within spirit. So that’s why I’m okay, yes sometimes I want him to be here, all the time I want him to be here. But I know he’s resting peacefully in heaven with my angels. But I’ll see him soon when God’s ready to take me too. But until then I’ll continue to have the amazing friendship we still carry.


Forever in my heart always on my mind, I love you Daniel Alan.

The author's comments:

This was very sad time in my life but I hope writing this and sharing this it could help someone else in my situation so they know they aren't the only ones. 

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