Rafting in Altai | Teen Ink

Rafting in Altai

October 26, 2016
By EricHan BRONZE, Moscow, Other
EricHan BRONZE, Moscow, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There we finally were! I had heard so much fun about this part of the trip. My boat, Mr. Dragons’ advisory, were looking to smash into Ms. Smith’s boat. When I hovered my hand above the water, it felt like it was a cold refreshing drink that you would have in the summer. I slowly dropped my paddle as I looked to jump straight into the boat and slide in like a penguin. We were only 30 minutes in and we were told not to fight until after lunch. However, my team was super anxious to get into battle.We were right behind Mr. Smith’s boat and I was ready for attack. I heard a loud screech from the back of the boat, “ATTACK!”, said the boat instructor. We crashed into the boat so hard like a wrecking ball and invaded. As I was jumping into the boat, all I could think of was throwing every single person off. I jumped into the middle of the boat where everyone was. Every person on Ms. Smith’s boat looked at me with fear and despair. Their faces looked as if they were going to get physically harmed. Eris followed up behind me and we were both ready to battle. The first person I saw was Arga, so he was my first target. With all my force I attempted to push him into the freezing cold water. I could see in his eyes that he was also trying his hardest to resist getting pushed in. But, that didn’t work well for him because I pushed him off anyways. When I pushed him off, I laughed my heart out and was waiting for his reaction when he came back up. His first words when he came out of the water was, “GET ME OUT OF THIS FREEZING COLD WATER!” It was very satisfying seeing my friend suffer because i felt so evil. After I pushed Arga, I could hear other splashes from others falling off too. I saw that Eren pushed 2 people off and could hear everyone scream in agonizing pain. When the three that fell off came back in the boat, Eris and I laughed it out as the others that fell were shivering. After that, we stopped battling for a moment. Eren and I were separated from our boats because they had gone way ahead of us.

I was going to sit on the boat and start paddling, but I looked at Ms. Smith. She had a big grin on her face, and looked like she was going to get herself into trouble. In that split second, I was very baffled at what she was grinning at. Slowly and slowly it looked like her grin was growing bigger and bigger every nanosecond as if she were a clown. Her face kept on changing and she looked different every moment. At one point Ms. Smith looked looked at we with a smile of a Grinch and slowly looking more and more petrifying. I thought she was just going nuts and I slowly sat down. I looked back behind me just to check if her face emotion changed. I was very cautious at the time, because you never know what is going to happen.

I looked forward for one second and felt a little tap on my shoulder. I ignored it because I thought it was just myself imagining things. Then I felt one more time. Yet again, I  ignored the tap because I thought I was going crazy. For the third time I felt that light tap and knew I wasn't imagining things. Slowly turned my head backwards and Ms. Smith was right behind this time. I thought it was a little strange and I just said, “Hi, Ms. Smith.” I saw her moving her hands to drop the paddle. I could tell she was trying to hide something from me. I felt a forceful and vigorous push right on the middle of my back and I knew exactly what was happening. I tried to not fall off the boat by keeping my balance, but I realized it was far too late. When I was falling I regretted ever invading that boat. She got her payback and she deserved it. However, I was mad because I did not want to experience the cold water of the river. I didn’t want to feel the water like I did when I went swimming in the river last time. I finally hit the water hard. When I first entered the water, the water sort of sounded like the waves crashing in the ocean. The water felt like it was almost frozen and as if tons and tons of ice cubes were thrown in. When my head popped up out of the water I was shivering and I really wanted to be in my bed sleeping instead of rafting. I screamed on the top of my lungs,”Get me the heck out of this water!!” They slowly grabbed my life vest and pulled out. It was as if I was in the North Pole working for Santa Claus. I laughed it off and looking back on it is pretty funny.

On this trip I figured out that people can be very unpredictable. People can turn on you from being nice to merciless. After I got on the boat again, I gave Ms. Smith a big smile, but in the inside I was a little bit mad too. I always thought that teachers were nice but I guess I learned something too. I learned that you should always be aware of your surroundings. I guess teachers always keep teaching!

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in Humanities class. I go to the Anglo American school of Moscow in Russia. Hope u enjoy!

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