The Terrifying Fall | Teen Ink

The Terrifying Fall

October 26, 2016
By Phillip0 BRONZE, Moscow, Alabama
Phillip0 BRONZE, Moscow, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I dashed through the forest trying to follow the path. Unexpectedly, the trial descended undoubtedly quickly and my feet couldn't keep up if the rate of fall suddenly…

Oh sorry, let me tell you how it all started. 8 grade was eager to finally go on a long anticipated trip, which was believed to be the best discovery week of all middle school. Our flight was late in the evening, but exhaustion couldn't stand infront of how excited people were to finally be in Altai for the first time. The flight was long and the time difference took quite a while to adapt to. As we were about to land, my first impressions of Altai was that this place was a beautifully set mountainous region, with a lot of superb views of the nature the color of the sky was as blue as the ocean, and had not a single cloud which made it look even more fascinating. There were also a lot of  outstanding and fun activities. I feel like this place will be great for different adventurous and active activities out on the nature. For example rafting which I am very thrilled about , and also different common spots such as football.  

Straight Of, our day started of with bleak and rainy weather, to most of the people this was surprising because they expected worse weather throughout the trip. Furthermore, the bus ride was incredibly quiet because most of the people fell asleep in literally seconds, but no matter how tired we were we still had activities planned on the first day. We arrived at our camp and took about half an hour to unpack and get use to our cabins and roommates. We ate a quick snack and hopped on the bus for our first activity which was the ski lift. I thought to myself that this would be just an ordinary ride you have on winter break but no, when we got there the sights absolutely blew my mind. The rain was pouring non stop during the whole lift, people shivered the higher we went up. As we were approaching to the top my face was numb and my hands were frozen.  The air tasted fresh and smooth as we came up to the viewing platform.  This was no obstacle to enjoy the stunning views of the mountains and rivers from above.  After , about another 5 minutes we reached the end . We took some pictures with our group and went on to explore. I found my friend Mitchell  and we decided find some epic sights for pictures. We looked up at the many different paths leading upwards, without a doubt we ran in to explore many different  mountain paths.

We started off with, being thrilled about how pleasant the views, but we still didn't conquer the mountain and had gotten to the very top of it. We were very energetic from all the different rocks and challenges we passed. As our excitement passed away, we began to question ourselves whether to go further or to stay back. There was determination written all over our faces; we could feel the top of the mountain, we could practically see the views approaching our eyes .

The top was just fingertips away, I took another step and there I went, collapsing down for a few meters. My shoes could not grip the ground well enough for me to stop. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” I screamed as I went down.  The feeling of suspicion of what awaits me kept me anxious. My heart started to beat faster than a drum roll.  Slowly, the speed lowered and there I was a few meters away from Mitchell which felt like I was going kilometers away during the fall. I looked forward , my face softened and I felt the feeling of relief of stopping just centimeters away from a drop that seemed as deep as the grand canyon. I looked at him in shock he dashed towards me like like a cat on skates down the hill to help me. Their I was glued to the ground and still trying to understand what just happened.

Mitchell looked at me like he didn't know what just happened. He helped me back up and stared at me for a few seconds, the next thing you now,  we started laughing our heads of and discussing how funny it looked when I was gliding down the muddy hill. I thought to myself, of how  exhilarating this hike was. I got up, shook of the dirt, and continued to the top of the mountain knowing that the worst was already behind. Step after step I knew it was the end of our adventurous hike. We finally made it to the top. “YAAAAAAAY!!” we screamed. After talking a lot of pictures, Mitchell and I felt afraid because of how far away from our ski lift we were. Enjoying our last couple minutes at the top, we rapidly started running back down as fast as we could. We ended up getting lucky and arrived just before the last set of people left of the ski lift. Mitchell and I new that this would certainly be the best part of Altai.

The author's comments:

The best dicovery week that we had at our school made me write this.

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