The Adventurous Horse Riding | Teen Ink

The Adventurous Horse Riding

October 26, 2016
By Anonymous

As I stand beside the towering, midnight colored horse,  I feel as if it is the last day of my life. I  felt my feet getting cold and my heart was pounding through my chest. Then the instructors tell me to put my foot in the loop and my hand on the neck of the horse…

Oh wait! I think I forgot to tell you what was happening

It was a nice and luminous Friday afternoon. We were supposed to go horseback riding and where were we? We were in Altai for our 8th grade discovery week. So we reached the area which was beside the  majestic Kutun river and an inviting, lush, dark green lush, forest. Our instructor was giving us guidance about how to ride the horse and I listened with full attention. Then they brought the horses to us and everyone was getting picked one by one. After a while came my turn. As I leap on to the back of the horse,  one one part of my body feels like I have conquered this animal and the other part felt like I want to jump down on the ground immediately and run away like a small baby. The consequences of riding the horse was racing my brain and giving me the chills of terror that I had never experienced before.


As I feel  my heart thumping, the horse hauls forward and I suddenly jerk and I jolt forward, which ends up in me, almost falling. I can’t even explain how much I regret this, but on the other hand,  I don’t want to embarrass myself infront of my friends by shaming this activity. Slowly, slowly my heart beat slows down, because this horse is engaging in gobbling grass and synchronously excreting dung. As he finishes all the grass in that area,  the horse moves and starts to climb a small hill and then I just lose it. The horse is on a slope busy chewing on grass while I am having the most unfavorable day of my life. After a while when we all got our horses the instructors gave us the last and final reminders and we take of into the clump of small grass. When the horses starts to moving everyone was yelling and it was a menace with horses colliding with each other and they were neighing. There was a big chaos in that area and it was just making me exasperated.

As time is passing we're getting better, for example we stop shrieking like kids watching their first horror movie, and we stop calling for the instructor time and again . Ten minutes had passed and our horses have only moved four steps. We are trying to organize ourselves but we hardly improved. As other people were shouting I sat on my horse listening to people scream and on the other side horses neighing ,I thought to myself have I really had a worse day than this?

We finally get organised  into a straight line and we start moving. Other people were got more comfortable with their horses and they're getting used to it, excluding me as I am still not very satisfied. Five minutes pass and I feel like dozing off as soon as possible because the weather is very balmy like the weather in India. As my eyes are about to seal , I hear all my friends beginning to scream “ew ew!” They were making faces of disgust that make me feel like  like I had walked into a movie in which the introduction had ended and you don’t know what is happening. Then when I ask everyone “what is happening”? They all point at the back of my horse and when I look back the horse is again excreting dung as usual, which I agree it is quite an awful sight.


Suddenly our terrain starts to change from dazzling river sites to minuscule hills . Then my horse spots some grass and there it just forgets about anything and involves itself in eating fresh grass and I sit there keep trying to try the rein right to move out of there but our young man was not interested at all. Finally when he let go of the grass we start to moving and I catch up with my other friends. Not only I, but other people are also in quite a mess one person is totally off the line. Her horse turned and starting going the other direction. Another person's horse stops, in the middle and just stands there doing absolutely nothing. As we start descending from the hills we see some exquisite sites . After seeing that, I make note of something  that the world is such a large place with so many sublime and untouched places that most humans have not even espied . In the second part of the activity my body relaxes as the horse slows down and starts being less fidgety,  which gets to me comfortable in the saddle,and I feel it is less like an alien and more like a friend. I just felt like not reminding myself of the bad things that had been happening. For the following five minutes I just sit there staring at the mountains, I am in deep thought,  it was like when a math student tries to figure out a difficult calculus math sum and they are lost in contemplation .  

As I am in deep thought, the shadow of the finishing line falls into my eyes ,and the thought strikes me that I had made a mountain out of a molehill. It was a thrilling experience with a considerable amount of adrenalin rush. I had wasted my times thinking about different negative outcomes but instead I had a stupendous time.

The author's comments:

It's about horseback riding in Altai, which was an amazing experience

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