Rafting in Altai | Teen Ink

Rafting in Altai

October 26, 2016
By Anonymous

“Aaaaaaaaa” Kris screamed as I shoved her into the cold water of the Katum River.

It was a gorgeous day in Altai. So far the eighth grade discovery week was great and we were having an amazing time. I was excited to go rafting today as the weather was marvelous. The sun was shining and the water was glistening. Everybody on the boat was happy, laughing… until the pushing started happening. The laughing grew louder as well as the cries. It was chaos with everybody falling in and angry kids shoving each other for revenge. I ducked and jumped for the corner of the raft, searching for safety and shelter. Finally safe from the stampede of angry classmates charging at each other, I relaxed. It wasn’t long until I noticed Kris glaring at me. She was furious.

“Oh dang” I thought as the tallest girl in middle school started stomping right towards me.

“EMILY!” she yelled as she lunged in my direction.

My heart started racing as I desperately searched for ways to  escape, but in a small crowded boat there were  only so many places where I could take cover. I curled up, digging my fingers into the side of the boat. I closed my eyes, hoping Kris would just disappear, but when I opened them, there she was, standing right infront of me. She grabbed my legs and started vigorously pulling on them. My fingers dug  deep into the the rubber side of  the raft, but the boat was wet and soon my fingers slipped off. I was dragged across the raft, while kicking like a five year old having a fit. I started panicking when I felt Kris and Lilly grabbing hold of my arms and legs . The water was very cold and I wasn’t ready to go in. I tried to resist but after a couple of failed attempts I gave in.

“ONE!” they yelled in unison as they swayed me back and forth.

“TWO!” they shouted as I started to prepare myself for the splash of freezing cold water.

“THREE!” they cried as they tossed me in.

“AAAAAAAA” I shrieked as my skin met the chilly, blue, clear water.
As I felt my body sink into the water, I stayed down there for a bit trying to forget the fact that I felt like a thousand icicles were being stabbed into me. Eventually,  I came up to the surface to get some air. I heard light chuckles as I swam back to the boat. I was already shivering and shaking like leaf in a storm. when the smiling guide pulled me back on the raft. I was frustrated and upset, quite the opposite of my mood at the beginning of the trip.  I glared at Kris, as I took my paddle and started rowing down the river, while thinking of ways i could pay Kris back.

I was so caught up in thinking of what I could do to Kris I didn’t even notice that the rafts were starting to stop.  Thank God ours came in last  and as we were still in the deep end of the river I knew exactly what to do as revenge to Kris. Everybody was eager to leave and started gradually taking off their rafting gear, luckily Kris was the last one on the raft. I quickly took off my life vest and jacket. As she started to stand up, I threw myself at her, managing to push her in at the same time. I started to freestyle towards the shore. Distantly I heard Kris curse at me, and I laughed to myself.

When I reached shore, I started running as fast as I possibly could. Knowing Kris and her long legs she would catch up to me in a heartbeat. I was completely out of breath when I reached the bus. I stood there for a couple of minutes restoring my breath and  waiting to see if Kris had caught up to me, luckily she didn’t, there wasn’t any sign of her. Relieved, I climbed on to the bus, eager to change out of my wet bathing suit due to an eventful day of rafting.

As I pulled my shirt out of my backpack i heard Kris’s voice, I froze and slowly started to turn around. ‘We’re in the bus teachers surrounding us, what could she possibly do to me?” I quietly told myself. I watched her as she mounted the bus. To my surprise she gave me a humongous smile when she saw me.

“Wowww Emily, Well played” she said as she high fived me.

When I look back at that day, I see a day filled with fun, teasing, and laughter with my friends.  It did not seem fun at the time to be ganged up on by my friends and thrown in, but sharing that with them, doing the same with Kris has made us even better friends today. 

Theme: Exploring friendship in various ways.

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