Discovery Week Panda Park | Teen Ink

Discovery Week Panda Park

October 26, 2016
By Shashank BRONZE, Moscow , Alabama
Shashank BRONZE, Moscow , Alabama
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I could not go to Alati so I was going to panda park and I was feeling that it will be very easy but if you read a head then you will know that i regret saying that. I would give a opinion, if you ever go to a ropes course then don’t think it will be to easy. Why?? you will find that out soon.

On a bright and sunny day I was surrounded by logs risking my life by taking another step on a thin log. I put my right leg and slipped and I almost fell to my death. There was only one thing going in my mind, how do i get out of here. Over five minutes had past and i was still stuck. There was a slight line of fear on my face, sweat was dripping of my face. I was struggling to get out of the that position. The motivation in my brain was to finish it. Should I finish it or give up?. I was in the middle of that ropes course. People were  looking at my underneath my legs. I was feeling the most embarrassed person in the world.

When the tension and come to my face,I was starting to give up but I don't like an ant. For me i thought, it will be the easiest thing but when i fell then I regretted saying that.  People behind me were waiting when will i get up so that the next person could start. I don’t give up quickly so I tried getting up and I did it, I was very happy so in excitement i took another step, my leg starting to shake and guess what i fell again.

The people that were behind me and the people the were underneath blasted in laughter and I was feeling very angry. You know how it feels when people are laughing at you. Why did they? laugh at me I thought that I will take revenge I had to finish it, there was no chance of my giving up. Before I fail again I took a break and was hanging for a short time. I was thinking don’t embarrass yourself Shashank. When I thought I was ready I put my heart and soul to get up and continue. I put my power I was like halfway and half was left. I had not power but I did not care I put more power and a little was left,I did it I got up. I  was jumping in excitement but then I thought to myself you don't want to fall again.

So with full concentration and braver I walked to the other side of the tree. When walking one thing was going in my head don’t fall again Shashank. I reached the other side of the tree I can't tell you how happy it was, joy was on my face and I my full face was with happiness. People were clapping for me because it is very hard to get out after you are stuck. And  I did not want any help from anyone I wanted to do it independently.  I was feeling very fearless. But on the other hand I will was had some shame in my head because i feel two times. 

After that I was trying carefully like an artist to complete the ropes course. Putting my leg on the log very carefully not trying to go to fast just trying to be safe and not fall.

After i came out of the ropes course I was feeling very proud of myself that I finished the impossible ropes course. I was applauded from every one.

If you are going to something that is fun then never think that it too easy or you would have problems like me. I would always say never think something is too easy don't be overconfident

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