Missing in Action | Teen Ink

Missing in Action

October 25, 2016
By SarahMIller6 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
SarahMIller6 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My grandmother's nursing home. After wandering the quiet, prison like halls I open her door, receiving no greeting. Immediately a ball of lead drops in my stomach. When I realized she wasn’t there I headed down to the dining hall. After not finding her there, I went to the front desk and reported it. ‘’ I can’t find my grandma’’ I told the front desk lady. ‘’What's your grandma's name sweetheart?’’ ‘’Amelia Norris.’’ I replied. She typed something into the computer. ‘’This says she’s in her room honey.’’ She said looking at me as if I were an incompetent toddler. After insisting that she was not there, she followed me up to her room. After opening the door she looked in the closets and under the bed. She was nowhere to be seen. An announcement on the intercom was made that Amelie Norris was now MIA. I called my mom in a panic. None of the residents had seen her. Was this a daring escape, or simply a coincidence? The police showed up fifteen minutes later. A missing person's report was filled out. They brought dogs into the home, and sniffed her sweater, then followed a trail down the long hall. They ended up at the emergency exit door. After concluding that somehow she had escaped without sounding the alarms, a full blown search was in action. Police cars circled the perimeter, and volunteer firefighters walked through the woods. My mom came to get me, teary eyed and afraid. We walked through the woods with the search and rescue team. The dogs followed her scent down to a small stream. They circled the area retracing their steps. They had lost the scent. The searching went on through the night, and I went home along with my dad. My mom stayed, too frazzled to go home. After a few days, and not a trace, the search efforts died down. Tracks would no longer be fresh. This was no longer interesting to volunteers. My mom became more and more angry. To this day, our family is left with a haunting question...What happened to Grandma Amelia?

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