The Audition | Teen Ink

The Audition

October 24, 2016
By Slone-boi BRONZE, Mount Sterling , Kentucky
Slone-boi BRONZE, Mount Sterling , Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Have courage and be kind

She keeps me warm

How very

I have been an arts student since birth, I love everything about music, dance, sculpting, writting and i thought I was special. I thought i was different and unique. I had always gotten a role or award in my small home town so my little naive spoiled self thought I could get into a big name show no problem. BOY was i wrong.

Chapter 1: Do Re Mi

I've been an arts kid since birth, growing up with soundtracks blasting 24/7
Age 6 i had been in  4 choir groups
Age 7 i was taking art lessons with a women i still think is a witch
Age 8 i could play 5 instruments
Age 10 (to now) ballet 3 times a week
Don’t get me wrong I love what I do. I'm happiest when onstage performing for people, bringing a smile to an audience member's face is what i live for. But no amount of practice could have prepared me for The Leads theater. I’d only done tiny local school shows which are amazing too but they aren’t as profound as Leads. They’re the big game in this southern state and when i heard they were holding auditions for my favorite production I knew i had to audition.

  It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon, I sat in my Spanish class trying desperately to stay awake. Learning adjectives wasn't exactly thrilling work. Suddenly i felt a buzz in my back pocket. It was a  text  from my best friend;
I got a call back!!!! Did you?!
Last week we had both auditioned for a Into the Woods, our auditions went flawlessly but i was still incredibly nervous.
My heart thumped Oh my gosh!!!! DId I??  I quickly opened my email and there it was

Dear Miss. Slone,
We are happy to inform you that you have been requested to audition for Rapunzel in our production……

I started squealing: I did it! I got a call back!!!

I messaged my friend back, Yeah!! This is going to be great!!

Chapter 2: Here we go

That afternoon i ran inside and threw my backpack across the room
Callbacks were in 4 hours and the director had sent me sheet music to learn by then. I rushed to our old piano and began to play the music, Plucking out the keys and warming up my voice.
This music wasn't easy, i'm a low alto typically and the notes they wanted me to sing where in the soprano range. I squeaked as i sang but still managed to reach the pitch. For 3 hours I sat at that piano, practicing and practicing. These notes are way up in my range what if i crack? I layed my head in my hands I really want to get in, I can't blow this. I pooped my fingers and continued to practice singing the ballad.

The ride to Leads was the longest 20 minutes of my life. Eventually we made it and i rushed in my mother walking behind me. I rushed to my friend and gave her a hug. “Hey! Did they start yet?” she shrugged “Not yet. It's been pretty quiet actually.”
I glanced around the room, teens and adults were broken up into small circles talking and laughing. I felt self conscious all these people are also interested in this, they're all talented and we all have similar lists of skills. Compared to them i'm not special - just another kid who wants to sing for an audience. I felt sick and we hadn't even been called in yet.
A blonde woman walked in, “Everyone please follow me into the auditorium.”
Shoot here we go. I glanced at my friend she was beaming and nodded at me to follow her. I faked a smile, I've got this.

Chapter 3: Rapunzel Rapunzel

My friend and i sat in the corner, my foot bouncing a mile a minute. I glanced over at her, she was calm smiling and talking to another girl who had been called back. I rolled my eyes slightly. She’s always so chill, she never seems to worry. I can't help but envy that quality
I sat in my chair and picked at my nail bed waiting for further instruction, the way it worked was the director would call a character and if you were asked to try for that role you would go upstage and do what was asked. The process was agonizing i just wanted it to be over with, I wanted to sing and go home.

Finally they called the Rapunzels upstage. I bounced up happy to finally get the ballad over with. As i stood center stage with 9 older teens. They all looked similar, like they had the same attitude towards life. Do i look like that? That thought didn't stick around long my eyes met the audience. 50 people, all actors, dancers and singers. The best of the best in this area. I was terrified what if i messed up? What if i froze? My hands started to shake. I felt my eyes start to dart around in panic when i see my friend, she noticed how anxious i was and had waved me down. She mouthed to me, “You're okay, you've got this” Then flashed a big smile. I grinned and nodded I do got this, i've been practicing all day.  One at a time they asked the Rapunzel's to sing each girl better than the last, when finally it was my turn i smoothed my skirt and stepped up.
The accompanist smiled “Are you ready?” I shook my head “I'm an alto” She laughed and replied “You'll do fine.” She played the starting pitch and i began to sing. It was awful. My voice cracked so much i could have been a 12 year old boy. I felt tears sting my eyes. My friend smiled at me from our seat. After my turn they dismissed the Rapunzel’s. I fled to the waiting room to my mom. I wrapped my arms around her and tried to stop from crying. I was completely embarrassed and disappointed in myself. I wanted to be in this show so badly.

Chapter 4: Keep going

Needless to say I didn't make it into that production, although my friend did, she was cast as a leed even! Summer came and she would fill me in on rehearsal drama and I would help her read lines. Although i was disappointed i didn't make it i was incredibly proud of my friend. Opening night i went to the show,  i was astounded. Everyone did amazing and I loved it even more seeing kids my age performing that well in it. The performance was stuck in the back of my mind for weeks. I wanted to be on stage with these people, i wanted to join the Leeds family so bad. The next couple months i worked and worked, slaving over sheet music, expanding my range, and even doing cold readings with my parents.

Last month i went to the auditions for Leads production of The Wizard of Oz, and I was casted!! The day i got the acceptance email was one of my happiest days.

That day i stood a little taller, I got the role, i made it into the theater i was on my way to living my dream and that feeling of  complete joy has stuck with me ever since. Life doesn't hand you things you have to try so remember, fall down 7 times, stand up 8.

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