The First Time I Held My Cousin | Teen Ink

The First Time I Held My Cousin

October 31, 2016
By A_duyst BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
A_duyst BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

“I can’t wait to see her today,” I told my best friend Amber.
“You said that this morning,” she said with a little laugh.
“I know, I am just really excited,” I said with a smile on my face.
“Shut up you weirdo,” Said my sister Rachael, “no one cares.”
“Someone had a rough day,” I replied stupidly.
“You know what ugh...,” she said but she couldn’t finish because her phone went off.

As we got home I was ready and so excited to see my new cousin for the first time (Ayla). I had to wait for three days before I could see her for the first time because we spent the weekend with my dad. I was really happy when the text  popped up the she was born.                                                                                                      

When I got home and had to wait for my little sister Cassie to get home from school it was the longest hour of my life.

When she got off the bus we got in the car and went to my Aunts and Uncles house at the time, and as I rolled out of the car. I was still a little jumpy causing me to  knocked on the door,and walk into the kitchen walked into the kitchen and saw her I was so excited.

My aunt told us that it is going to go oldest to youngest for who can hold her first. My older sister took a half an hour and I could barely hold my  excitement in it almost busted out of me. Tick tock tick tock I look at the clock and finally told my sister that it was my turn to hold her. Then she told me that I had to wait until she was done. I wasn’t going to start a fight like a boxer getting it to a ring so I sat there, waited and held my tongue.

My mom and aunt went to do something. My sister was still holding her. It was terrible. While I wait I started to play with her feet. When she finally woke up she almost started crying but then she she didn’t. Which is very very surprising because babies normally don’t like her at all. Then my aunt and my mom came back.

“I can’t wait can it be my turn now,” I asked very excitedly. 

“Yes,” they both said.

My mom took her from my sister, held her for a minute then gave her to me. She is so beautiful I thought to myself. Her eyes are beautiful and blue like my aunt’s and uncle’s. She has a lot of hair,  is really long to. She got so comfortable that she fell to sleep. It was so hard to not just stare at her. She’s so cute face was so small thought to myself.  I didn’t want to give her up, so pretty that I couldn’t let go but, I had to sadly so my little sister could have a turn. It was so funny to see my little sister hold someone smaller that her. Cassie didn’t know what to do.

“Hold her head, don’t let it fall,” My mom told her.

It was so funny to watch her hold her. She was so nervous to hold her. She didn’t have big enfo arms to hold her so, she used a pillow. She was so werid when she held her for the first time.It was really fun to watch her hold her .

“HEY,” she yelled.

When we laughed at her. We all said shh you can’t yell like that when you're holding her other wise you will wake her.                 

Then she was done so I asked for another turn my aunt said yes. My mom pick her up from my little sister and gave her to me and of course my older sister want a another turn so my turn got cut short it. That was ok because I got to hold her for at least a little bit. I love holding her.

That was a year ago she is now one and so big she cruises through the hole house all the time.  It is so much fun going over there to see her. We got to spend one whole day together.  Just her and I,  we played all day and we took her first minor selfie. We even went to the park, we had so much fun. I couldn’t have had a better day. We even watch our favorite tv show together, I love her so much and can’t wait to see her again.

The author's comments:

It is about me meeting my cousin for the first time

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