Getting Lost | Teen Ink

Getting Lost

November 3, 2016
By Anonymous

“Do you even know where we are?”

“Well… I thought I did.”

Great. Now we have lost half of the time to shop. What if we don't even get to shop? What if we never find our way back home?

Those are questions that rushed through my mind as we were lost, in a city that we didn’t know, while trying to find our way to a mall. Where was the mall? Well that, I don't know. Neither did my cousin, of course the one driving us there and the one that got us lost.

My cousin Vicki and I wanted to go to a mall as I was there visiting them in Kansas City, Missouri. Her husband (Jared) wanted to tag along and go with us. He also wanted to drive, which we shouldn't of let him.

It was May 29, 2012 and my cousins and I had wanted to go to a mall. We decided that we were going too as soon as we woke up. We woke up, get ready, and eat. Great! I thought.

It's time to leave. We all got in the car and my cousin Vicki says, “You do know where you’re going right?”
“Yeah! I've been there many times!”

“So I don't need to bring the gps?”

“Nope! We’ll all be fine.”

“Well since you know where you're going we can leave now.”
All fun and games as we pulled out of the driveway.

About 20 minutes later I asked, “When will we be there?” Because of course, the average 7 year old can't wait to do anything. My cousin told me that it will only be a few more minutes. It was supposed to take about 25 minutes to get there.

We were still on the highway when it had been 25 minutes since we had left. Now, my cousin that was driving (Jared) looked a little off. I had began dozing off a little, then fell asleep. I was sleeping for about 15 minutes. When I woke up, I was curious why we still weren't there.

“Vicki, why aren't we there yet? It has been 45 minutes.”

“I don't know Ella. Maybe you should ask the driver that” oh and by the way she said that was a ATTITUDE!
“Jared, why aren't we there yet?”

“I don't know. There was some traffic.” Then Vicki asks Jared, “Or do you know where you're going?”

“I might of missed the exit…!”

GREAT! He not only missed the exit, but he doesn't know where he's going. Oh yeah, as I looked out the window, I see a “Welcome to Kansas!” sign. What the heck! I thought. I don't think that we are supposed to be in Kansas!


I kinda just fell back asleep.

Thankfully, Vicki had brought her phone. She looked up on google maps how to get there. We were a hour away from the mall! She says, “Is it even worth to go anymore?”

I shake my head up and down.

“Well if you want to we can. We won't have very much time though.”

“That's okay!”

We began driving, except Vicki drove instead of Jared. We stopped to get gas and some food.

An hour later we got to the mall. We went to every single store in the mall. And we buy at least 1 thing from every store. We didn't end up leaving the mall until it closed. Which was 8:30 pm. We had got to the mall at about 1 in the afternoon. Which means that we were at the mall for about 8 and a half hours! That's a long time! I don't remember the name of the mall but it had this huge dinosaur in the middle and I was climbing on that for the longest time! I had a blast.

In the end, even if we did get lost it was still fun. And now I can say that I have been to Kansas! I wouldn't want to trade that day for anything. I will still love Jared even if he did get us lost. But, that was the time that I had got lost and ended up in a different state!

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