The Big House | Teen Ink

The Big House

October 31, 2016
By MaxBarrett BRONZE, Grand Rapids , Michigan
MaxBarrett BRONZE, Grand Rapids , Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started when we arrived in Ann Arbor, it was a beautiful sunny day but when I took a step outside I was blasted with a shock of freeze. It was   cold. I had just woken up from my nap in the car and we were on the golf course. Immediately I jumped out of my seat, and I was so eager to get into the stadium and watch the game.

“Calm down the game does not start for another 3 hours we are going to have to find something to do.” said my Dad

“Well what are supposed  to for 3 hours”  I cried.

That’s when I got an idea,  “we should talegate!”

I know we did not pack for that but I did not want to stand around for three hours. I would freeze to death.  we all got out of the car my dad, Jack, Drew, and I went to the back of the car, and opened the back seats. lying there was a table that we keep forgetting to drop it off at my uncles. We grabbed it and set it up, grabbed some left over snacks and set them on the table. I remembered seeing a football in the car during the ride so I went in there and found the ball. I wanted to play football after all I was just sitting down for three hours straight, so wanted to move around a little bit,

“Hey I just found a movie in here,” said my dad.

“What is it?”I was wondering.

“The new Spongebob Movie,” “Really dad?”

I was kind of downhearted, but it was better than nothing. In our car we have three rows of seats, the middle and then in the back. If we put the back seats down it’s like we don’t even have a back row so we can just sit there and watch the movie. I had seen that movie already. To be honest I wasn’t really that all enthusiastic  to watch it but, now I realize that it was a pretty good movie. Still, we had almost an hour before the game. We could play football? I figured we would for a little bit.  We just threw the ball around for about 20 minutes, it got really uneventful, I could not wait to get onto the stadium and see the opening ceremony! etc...

“Alright get ready to go!” my dad said.

I could not wait! I have always wanted to go to the Big House. I watch every game on Saturdays.

We were making our way to the stadium every step I take closer to the stadium it gets bigger. In no time were right standing right next to the stadium. I could not believe my eyes! My eyes were about to fall out. From where we were before it did not look big at all. We gave our tickets to the guy who was standing by the entrance to the big house. I took my first step in the stadium, I almost fainted! We worked our way to our seats, we saw a guy walking around with some popcorn and we paid for some popcorn and  some drinks and got ready for the game
To this day I will never forget that experience.

The author's comments:

I went to the michigan game

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