My New Guinea Pig Cage | Teen Ink

My New Guinea Pig Cage

October 31, 2016
By Yollieva_7 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Yollieva_7 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Aww she's so cute!! But at that time, i didn't know what I would go though getting a cage. A cage? Yes a cage i know you think it wouldn't be hard but it was. Well here is how it started….

“ Mom hurry,they said that  they had some baby guinea pigs!”
I told my mom shouting.”Ok grab the keys and go to the car.”

I did what I was told without thinking about getting any supplies for her.The other day My dad and I were looking for cages,But i only have $100.It will only be enoght to buy her and some suplies.  I figured out that she was 30$.YAY!!! Swish skeek all first one i saw had grey on her head and tail she also had tan on her left sholder i saw her  I have more money so we can buy  her and her supplies great but, the thing is that my parents are cheap well…. They think of money diffrently so they are those kind of parents that want to save money for the future.So any way  that  they can buy things cheper then  they will take it.They are not always like that some times my mom likes to buy stuff from the coach store.My dad some times will buy thing from banna republic,so were not always cheap.Of course my parents are wanting to get a cage that is cheaper even thout my dad fell in  love with my guiea pig.She is so atached to him that when ever he would come home she would sweck. So when I got her she was in the box.Don’t worry she had a water bottle,pellets,timothy hay, and a cozy bed.She will only be in their for a day.During my free time i would let her out and set up a little play time area.Then I would go on my phone and research guinea pig cages.I would call store numbers to call.When my dad came home he would help me or play with my little guinea pig. After a month she was in a temporary cage we went to a pet store. My mom told me that their was a pet store called

“VIP PETS”.Of course the first thing i did was look at the guinea pigs there were so cute.


”They were rescued pets>”The worker said.”Can i help you?”The worker said with a smile. My mom answered.”Yes we would like to know were the guinea pig cages are?

”My mom explained.The worked walk us to the guinea pig cages.At this point my mom told me to call my dad and i did and told him the price  he said.”Its your moms and your choice>” so me and my mom talked and we finely we disited  that we were going to buy the cage.So we rang the cage up then i went home and put her supplies in the new cage.Then i put her in and she was happy she had room and a big area to play in.So know she is in a permanet home that she could be happy in.

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