The Badlands | Teen Ink

The Badlands

October 31, 2016
By Avery1 BRONZE, Grand Rapis, Michigan
Avery1 BRONZE, Grand Rapis, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Keep looking out your windows girls. You're going to see how this flat land is soon going to be mountains.” 
My dad was right, in just a few minutes the flat and horizontal land that lived out the car window, turned into hills.  The hills started getting bigger and bigger until they were no longer hills, they were giant mountains. I didn’t know how beautiful Wyoming could be.   As we were driving, we started noticing the temperature rising.  97 degrees . . . 98 degrees . . . 99 degrees . . . - it was scorching!  After I got over the fact that the temperature wasn’t going to stop, I looked out my window again.  The mountains that our eyes could see were amazing. I had never seen anything like it.

“Why is it called the Badlands dad?”

“Well girls, that’s actually a great question!  The reason they call it the badlands is because when people were wanted by cops, they would run here to hide and would never be found.  The badlands are endless.  Well not totally endless but they go on for miles, and miles and miles, and MILES! There are caves and places for them to hide in.  That doesn’t happen anymore, but it did!”


“That’s kind of scary, I said.  What if they are still out there?”
“Oh they aren’t Avery. That was a long time ago,” my mom told me.  I felt a lot better.
“LOOK GUYS!!!! IT’S ONE HUNDRED DEGREES!!!!!!!” Kyra Shreakied.
“NO IT’S NOT KYRA!!!!!!! IT’S ONE HUNDRED AND ONE!!!!!!!” Kennedy exclaimed.
“We are here girls, we are at the badlands!”
“WOAH!!!!!!!  IT’S SO PRETTY!!!!!”  We all said in unison.

I stepped out of the car and instantly  I noticed the smell of dust and dirt.  As I approached the mountains, I felt the ground. It was practically dust.  I could tell it hadn’t rained here in awhile.

There was a teeny path that took you to the edge of one of the mountains, and that is where I started to head with my mom.  As I was walking on the pathway, I saw rattlesnake warnings.  My dad and two sisters walked over to one of the wide mountains to stand on.  When I got to the end of the walkway, I could see the giant drop that was beneath us. But when I looked up the mountains went on as far as the eye could see.  It was mesmerizing.  I was flabbergasted.  When I looled over at my mom, I could tell she was in awe as well.  The mountains were colored. Fainted reds and oranges.

After a while of enjoying the view, my stomach started to hurt and I got really pale.  I kept reminding my mom, telling her that my stomach hurt really bad and I was super hot.  She just kept saying okay and then saying we were going to be leaving soon and to calm down. She finally gave way and she told everyone we all had to go.  When we got to the car I looked at the temperature and it said it was 105 degrees!!!!  I felt  kinda guilty that I got sick and we had to leave, but my parents were fine with it.  We went to our campground after that and It was so hot and humid.  It was really quiet on the way home for some reason.  When we got to the campground, we read our books and drank really gross flavored water because that's all we had water wise, until it got dark.  We went to bed and everyone was miserable, but it got really windy so it got better.  

We all had a great time and I’m glad we went.  The badlands were amazing and I’ll never forget it. I’ll never forget the extreme temperatures, the mini heat stroke, and the great views.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story fro people to see how much fun it is there and so they might want to go with their families and have a great time just like I did.

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