The Haunt 2015 | Teen Ink

The Haunt 2015

November 2, 2016
By Anonymous

Bang, bang, bang we heard crashes and bloody horror ahead of us my group was just entering the most horrifying part of The Haunt. We were all looking around to see our surroundings just in case something was to happen. It was only going to be 15 more seconds before we split apart. We saw a curtain ahead which split the Christmas section into the Spooky room of The Haunt. The sign outside the Spooky Room said, “Beware Prison Ahead” “I said OOH Prison,”

Colin replied with a, “Yippee,” so we went through the curtain and I have no clue what the heck happened but our group was split apart I have no clue what on earth happened so I told my friend, “they can’t be far,” “I hope not.”

My friend’s and I just entered the Spookiest area of The Haunt and we have just lost 3 out of the 5 people in my group. Zach and I had no idea if this was a prank or if this was for real cause if it was for real we’re in trouble. So we decided to keep going through life or death at the moment. When we went through what I thought was Alcatraz we were charging through. We just kept walking and then we saw the section that had a lot of clowns and Zach and I were getting pretty spooked out. But thank God that was over in about 4 minutes. Zach was having second thoughts about coming here, and I bet rest of the group was too.

After being in life or death/Alcatraz for about 10 minutes we were en route traveling to another piece of the spooky room it was a room with more clowns and witches in it. I told Zach “We are asking for trouble,”

“Yes I think we are.” But when we got only about 2.5 minutes into it we got into a whole big mess!!!!!!. We saw a witch ahead and Zach said, “She looks like life from The Addams Family,” “Oh boy she does,” She saw us and came towards us with a look of hunger on her face. She came even closer and of course the lights were out so it was hard to see. But you can tell bad witch to ugly witch and they would come out as her. Soon we turn around to see if we could get away we knew we were not smart doing that but when we turned around we walked a few steps and we saw another witch that looked the same as the one in front of us. We were in a BIG MESS words could not describe my face at that moment. The one behind us was just kept walking. We were screwed so we dove to the side of the curtain and waited. We heard the witches walking back and forth just waiting for us to come out. I asked Zach, “Hey can you text the group about what happened,” “Sorry I can’t I don’t have their numbers!” Zach and I had no idea if they knew we were hiding or if we were magicians??? Zach and I were like quickly trying to figure out an escape plan. We knew our group was ahead of us and were probably less than 10 minutes from the exit and were still in the jail area which was probably 15 minutes from the exit. So we were whispering ideas to each other and we came up with the idea that we go 1 at a time. So 1 of us goes out at first and distracts the witches in the entrance of the attraction and the other person comes out and leads the other person out of the mess. Zach volunteered to distract the witches so he got out and the witches were all over him so I found the right moment to come out and lead Zach out of this mess. So I got out and said, “Zach,” “I’m coming,” “I hear you loud and clear Nick,” and we got away and we speed walked out of that attraction and speed walked to find our group.

After that tragedy we speed walked through The Haunt and we finally found our group almost exiting The Haunt, and it was probably less than 5 minutes from the interior of life or death.  But we forgot about the graveyard part. Our group was all wondering what happened so we told them what all happened and that there was a lot of logic in this. So they were all shocked and had some red faces. But Zach and I told them that we learned that we need escape plans so we don’t run into Check point Horror at The Haunt again. I asked why we lost each other and they were puzzled and they replied saying, “We didn’t lose each other,” “But what on earth was that in there?” They answered back saying, “We took another route passed the curtain!” Zach and I were not going to bring it up anymore so we decided to go through the graveyard and hope no one remembers this night for a long time.

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