Heartbreaking Divorce | Teen Ink

Heartbreaking Divorce

November 2, 2016
By maddiebeck24 BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
maddiebeck24 BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We gathered around the brown circular table that was in my kitchen and one by one we sat down in silence. I already knew that they were gonna break bad news to my brother and I because we never sit around that table unless it was for dinner.  A few minutes go by of nothing but silence. My brother and I looked at each other confused on why we were here if they weren't gonna say anything. It was making me a bit nervous with all the wondering eyes looking at me. Then my father broke the silence looking at my brother and I.

Watching the current wrap around my legs feeling the warm air on my skin I sit on a chilly rock with my siblings casting our fishing line into the river. As our red and white bobbers float rapidly through the current, our black lab, Maggie paddles against the current trying to get closer to us. With our mom and dad standing above the bridge looking down upon us as this beautiful, perfect, and happy family.

“Your mother and I are getting a divorce,” he states.

“How can this be? They have to be lying.” I thought to myself. I did not understand why they had to do this to my brother and I, after everything we have gone through as a family. I was like a deer in headlights. I had nothing to say when they asked my opinion. Jake reacted in such a way I didn't see coming. He got up fast and walked to his room with no words being said. There were a trillion thoughts going through my head. I couldn't bare being in this situation by myself so I followed his lead and went to my room just as he did. I slammed my door so hard that I hurts its feelings. Sitting in my room, that was the farthest away from the kitchen, I knew I had sometime to think about this for just a second by myself and I took this time to just stare through my skylight at the round clouds.  All these thoughts filled my imagination of what could happen. I had no control over the tears that ran down my face as I sat there all alone in sadness. A small knock and a soft voice came through my door. Wiping away the tears quickly and opening the door, my mom walks in, looking straight into my eyes. I had a million questions to ask but I couldn't find the strength inside me to say a single word. She tried to comfort me and get me to say anything, anything at all. But not a word was spilt, I knew if I said anything in that moment I wouldn't be able to hold back the tears any longer. She got up and walked slowly out of my room closing the door behind her. As I looked up and saw my reflection in the mirror I knew from this day on my life would never be the same.

A few weeks go by and my dad gathers all of his things and moves to his new apartment. I wave goodbye to him as he pulls out of our driveway forever. I was torn to pieces, I thought our relationship would never be the same if I wasn’t with him 24/7. It took me weeks to finally realize that he wasn’t gonna be there if I needed his help late at night with homework or to yell at my brother and I to stop fighting. I felt bad for myself that I wasn’t able to see my dad every day like I wanted too. 

I used to believe that my parents being split up was the worse thing that could happen to me but now I know that they are both way happier and my relationships with them have grown in a positive way. As that long year went by after my parents parted ways, I came to the realization that you need to change the way you act with your parents. Remember they are new to this switch as well so they might make a few mistakes that will hurt you in the process.  Also, you have to adjust to the new way you live now. Try and be more open to the new schedule of switching homes every week. You’ll have to get over your own self pity of thinking that your life is so hard and when you do just that you will then realize that this way isn’t so bad and in fact it's better.

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