The Buck | Teen Ink

The Buck

November 3, 2016
By cam2000 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
cam2000 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I wake up in the morning I go and look outside to only feel the chill of the cool air run from my toes all the way to my head.  I think to myself if I should go hunt for the day.  So I take a shower eat a very good breakfast, for breakfast I ate some steak, eggs and bacon.  Then on my way I go out the door all bundled up.  As soon as I get out to my tree stand, I put my bow on the hook and relax for a few minutes breathing heavily from the hike to the woods.  Seeing my breath I realize that I should have stayed home because I was going to freeze all day out there.  It was so cold outside I could not feel my feet, only to think I still have a good 8-9 hours out here.  So I wait and wait and wait for hours till I finally see my first deer of the day. 

I am just relaxed and all of the sudden I hear some steps and I start looking around carefully, very carefully.  I see this light shade of brown moving from the corner of my eye to only realize it was a deer.  “It WAS just a doe!”  But at least it got my day going.  As the cold day went on I saw a few more does.  Then as it was starting to get around dark time a nice looking deer came out.  In my gut I feel really good about this one.  He was behind a tree so I couldn't see if it was a buck or not.  Probably 15 minutes pass, finally it moved.  It had a nice rack on it.  I waited on him to get in a position for me to get a good shot on him.  Once he finally got in good position I got ready to shoot him.  My adrenaline was just pumping, I was shaking and I could just feel my heart beating.  I finally got relaxed then shot.  BOOM hit him right in the lungs.  He jumped and took off running.  “I said man i'm glad I decided to come out.”

I walked back to the house and broke the news to everybody, 

My dad said “great job son,” also everybody else congratulated me. 

It felt great to shoot a buck for my first deer.  While I warmed up everyone got ready to go tracking.  Off we went tracking, all of us with flashlights and our dog.  It didn't take us much time to track him because he was bleeding everywhere with snow on the ground.  My arrow went through both lungs the liver and the heart.  We took all of his guts out.    We dragged him back to the house and put him in the barn.  The next morning we went out and got all the meat of it and processed it.  Shooting this deer gave me confidence.  I Didn't see a deer all season, but I went and sat out in the woods every weekend and didn't see much.  On the last day of hunting season I saw a lot of deer and killed a nice 8 point.  Now  that I shot one I believe I can do anything I put my mind to.  Also I want to change the way people look at hunting, a lot of people think of it as taking the life of another living thing but that's not what it is. My arrow went through both lungs the liver and the heart.  We dragged him back to the house and put him in the barn.  The next morning we went out and got all the meat of it and processed it.                                        

The author's comments:

This piece is special to me because it was a big accomplish ment I loved and it gave me a new thing that I loved to do

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