Sorrow Winds | Teen Ink

Sorrow Winds

November 4, 2016
By Anonymous

The sun was set in late July, with sorrow in the summer winds. Sorrow from the screaming and yelling proposed from the people that taught me everything. The ones who taught me how to walk and smile. They are my parents.

It was your average night where no one falls asleep. Everyone in the family is involved, trying to offer their point of view. But you wouldn't know what kind of situation I was in. I'm the older brother of 3 at age 16. I recently just got a job that makes me very happy. It lets me be free with my life. Through the late night, I think about my job, but mainly how i'm gonna stop these adults from fighting. My mom had gotten so mad that she had left. This is when I thought to myself that a marriage so strong would lose its last straw. This was something that my brother and I were not used to, so it affected us extremely. It's been happening for the last year.

The thunder finally stopped and I got some sleep. But sadly right as I got some sleep, I was woken right back up from my alarm. My mind was going crazy. I had to go work. I work at Pine lake country club and I caddy for the golfers. I’m super interested and fascinated with this job because I realize the change in the mood I get. But today it was harder to do. Completely crying out my mind I didn't think I could go. But I knew that my dad didn't want to talk about how I didn't want to go to work, so I forced myself to go.

It was the saddest drive of my life and I didn't know how I would pull through. I finally got there and I needed to switch gears. I realized as I got there that no person wants to give money to someone who isn't in the mood to talk and hold their clubs. I needed to change my attitude immediately.

“Hi Terry,” said very lousy but non-noticeable.

“Whats going on Jack, you have Mr Smolinski.” he replied.

My lightbulb above me lit up as he said that. I was in shock and disbelief because I was about to caddy for an NHL player. He played for many teams but mainly the Red Wings. That's when I knew I had to fight against adversity. Fight against what was holding me back and get good money. I introduced myself as professional as possible, so that in the end, I would receive the best tip possible.

At the moment, the rain was falling hard. As a golfer, playing in the rain is their worst nightmare. It makes the ball harder to hit and makes it harder to focus on the ball. This puts a lot more pressure on the caddy unfortunately. Also, they want all their clubs dry and protected from the horrid rain. My goal for the day was to not let down the golfer.

Every second of the day I felt the urge of killing myself because my parents were finally calling quits. As a person, you need to be able to control your emotions. Don't let yourself call quits. You need to fight against adversity.

While the rain fell, the round was held back and delayed for a certain amount of time. He let me avoid the things that have happened and put a big smile on my face when I was talking to him. Although, his voice was very deep and it kinda scared me. We talked for awhile and luckily it made me think of something different than the problem at hand.

The rain had stopped and the round started to began. If you didn't know by know, caddying takes a lot of shoulder strength to walk a whole 18 holes with a bag on shoulders. But I was frankly used to it because I caddied a lot. During the beginning of the round, I noticed that I was not very talkative; which is something that golfers love. They love caddies that will make them laugh but also have the ability to stay focus. Knowing this tactic, I tried to show Mr Smolinski what I could do and how I could impress him, so what I did was I started a conversation. When we were talking, I learned that you need to be comfortable talking to people that might make you scared or nervous.

We were almost done with the round and I was feeling a little bit better. I still had an aching sore on my shoulders and legs but the thought of my parents was diminished. I realized that day that being able to control your thoughts and not letting them get under your skin can help you live your day to success. I thought of the time that my family and I went up north to our cabin and had a very relaxing and peaceful time with each other. This gave me hope.

“Thanks a lot kid!” said Mr Smolinski.

This boosted my mind up with happiness once again because I knew at that point that I may have gotten a tip worth remembering.

“Here you go kid.” Smoke says as he gives me 100 bucks.

I was lost in words.

The car ride home was very stressful, nerve racking but for sure had a dose of happiness because of the tip I was given. Everyone can have very rough times in their life, but it'll all get better at the end if you don't give up hope. It could be the hardest thing you could ever achieved in your life. But depending on how much you want to achieve it, you'll know that hope is behind you at all times. This is what I used and it really worked. My confidence started to grow by the second.

My phone started to ring, it was a text from both my dad and mom in a group message. They said to both Joe and I “You guys don't need to worry about anything.”

At this point, the rain went away and the sun creeped out from the clouds. God was watching over me and my family today. Once I got the message, I started to feel better and it made me change the way I felt about how my day was going. I was much happier.

So I guess i'll have to end it on the note of not only did I meet a celebrity but my parents are still together to this day.

The author's comments:

I chose to write this because it really showed me what kid of a person I really am. It helped me configure hard times and how to handle them. My hope for when people read this it to relate and use my advice. It will hopefully help them in hard times. To this day I still use these tactics to get me through my everyday life.

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