It's Lit | Teen Ink

It's Lit

November 6, 2016
By aesimmons18 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
aesimmons18 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One late afternoon I was hanging out with some of my old friends and it was a week after the 4th of july and with my family overstocking in the amounts of fireworks we needed, I thought it would be fun if we blew them up. We went to my firepit in the back of my house which had a decent size yard with a lot of open land,so we had plenty of room to make explosions. I torched the campfire then i was it as it burned.After I just relit the fireplace we had from last night and grabbed the whole box of 100 plus firecrackers and tossed it in the burning coals.

Seconds later the fire pit lit up so bright with mini explosions it seemed to be almost as it was the 4th of july. The first thing that popped in my head right after that was, why don't I do this more often? Box after box we went through the remaining fireworks like jack rabbits by throwing them around the yard like it was some warzone. Luckily my mom wasn't home because we made such a big mess in the backyard. But the fun came to a quick end as soon as we ran out of fireworks. So I ran into my garage to find something that me could turn into ashes. I grabbed this aluminum can, a can of black spray paint. It read on the label; HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, so I knew at that moment I grabbed the right can for the right time.

As soon as I return to the fireplace we threw this spray paintcan into the fireplace like it was going to be some nuke. We as slowly stepped away patiently waiting for it to blow so it could fill us with the entertainment and joy we desired so dearly. But we had waited and waited and nothing seemed to be happening. So eventually I acting like I was Mr.tough guy came up the the mis shaped melting can and decided I need to make it explode, I snatched the closest thing to me which was a shovel and swung that at it as like I was a some sort of MLB player. There was a Huge bang, I looked down and the can and realized that it had burst and was throwing flaming chemicals all onto my legs and around my body. It had fully engulfed me inside the raging flame.

¨Ahhhhhh!¨ I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I leaped back as fast as I could to escape that burning hell, but soon realized it wasn't over because my knee was still flaming and was burning flesh of my knee. My flaming leg was like a campfire. So I did only what I knew to do,. I hit the deck and stopped dropped and rolled, it reminded me of when I was a young boy my mother taught me never to never to play with fire. I obviously didn't listen to her, but she was wise and knew what was best for me at all times.I really need to stop acting like a five year old. I immediately snapped back into it with the throbbing pain in my legs I was going to be in big tough trouble. I sat up on the cold ground and glanced down at my legs that looked like overcooked corn dogs. My friends immediately went from laughter to rushing over to me, I tried to stand up but I couldn't I fell back down back on the cold hard ground at this moment I thought to myself ¨This could be the end for me, and my athletic career.¨

Two of my friends grabbed me and carried me back to the house like I was some type of wounded soldier that can no longer fight in the battlefield. They laid me down on the couch and I know now this was a big mistake because I could no longer move my legs and I shouldn't find enjoyment in things that could severely injure you. I lay in disbelief to what had just happened.

The thought of my mom rushed into my head because she was at work and I knew she was coming home in less than 30 minutes. I wanted to freak out but I was under with a ton of pain I just laid there as if I was some injured animal waiting for death to take me. I hobbled my way to the shower and washed off all the chemicals off my legs to try and make myself look a bit more showable to my mom. But it didn't make a difference, as soon as my mom walked through that door she took one glance at my legs and started to breakdown and cry. She was freaking out and thought I was going to have to get surgery or might even lose my leg. She quickly called the hospital and told them she was bringing me in, she told me to get in the car because I needed serious medical help, I thought at the time she was the biggest over reactor i've ever seen but now looking at it she did it for my safety and I should appreciate the important people in my life more often and protect them them because that's all the family you got. You never know when it could be your last day on this planet so don't take them for granted. I laid in the car as time passed we entered the parking lot of the Hospital and I was rushed in by a wheelchair and I sat quietly in the waiting room staring endlessly into the that room and I knew that it was going to be a long day.  

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