Memoir | Teen Ink


November 7, 2016
By Anonymous

When my mom told me we had to move again, it pretty much seemed like the worst news of my life. It was about early September and we just found a new place to live. It was very overwhelming because of all the changes that were happening. All I could think was that everything pretty much sucked at this point. The worst part of this whole experience was saying goodbye to my old friends and having to start a new school. I had to start all over again and it wasn’t something I wanted to get used to. I was nervous, scared, anxious, and overwhelmed at the sudden wave of change. When my mom dropped me off at my new school for the first time I had a melt down. My biggest fear of starting a new school was not knowing anyone. I would not stop crying and all I wanted was to go home. My old home. After a while of adjusting and getting into new routines and habits, I suddenly got comfortable.

It didn’t seem so scary anymore, and as and soon as I realized it was my new normal. I realized everything really wasn’t that bad that change is a good thing. I wouldn’t of met new people and learned new things and experienced new things. I met some pretty special people. I think me adjusting and getting more comfortable made it a lot easier for my mom and brother adjust too. They too realized this change was a good thing for everyone. My mom always told me that if we hadn’t moved from where we lived we would’ve never gotten out nor would my brother and I have gotten the beneficial experience. We wouldn’t of come closer together as a family, because we were all in this together making sure we were all okay.

So after all of that and getting in a good place with myself my mom dropped another bomb on us to tell us we were moving again. I remember her words as clear as day.

“I hate to put you two through this again but we have to move again and I know I promised it was the last time. I’m sorry.” she said
I was furious with her on why she would make us do this again.Her words just kept repeating themselves over and over agin in my head. Her I’m sorry sort of seemed meaningless to me. I had so many questions and wondered why she’d put us through this. I was angry this time instead of sad at the fact all of this change was coming around the corner again. As she promised us, our final move was happening. I literally could not believe what was happening. But in my mind I already knew how to deal with big adjustments. Because of prior experiences I now know how to handle myself. It made me realize that those experiences set me up for bigger things to come. Such as how to handle another big move, saying goodbye, and forgiving my mom because I know she always just had our best interest at heart. I used to think this whole modification of my life was truly awful but as I sit here today know that I wouldn’t be the person I am without any of it.

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