Growing Up | Teen Ink

Growing Up

December 9, 2016
By Wendellcsmith1 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Wendellcsmith1 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this memoir I will be talking about the certain types of symbols that are used in my house. One of the main symbols that are used in my house is call, "CHD". "CHD" mean confidents, heart, and drive. My mom made this symbol to show that if I used these three steps, I will be successful in what ever I do. Even when I'm doing homework. I also have other symbols that I use. Like the 03" which means the death of my cousin and I'll remember him with this signal. Those are types of signs I us for use for get around the world.In this second memoir I'll be asking about how i was as a kid growing up in my neighborhood, i would do a lot of things in my neighborhood that were fun to do over the days. Some days when my friends would come over and we would ride are bikes all day in the neighborhood. I also go to my neighbors house and play call of duty most of the time with my friend max. Thats why i love talking about this memoirs. It lets me say what is inside of me.

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