Symbols | Teen Ink


December 9, 2016
By Miathorne BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Miathorne BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you have an older sibling, it's clear to understand that they aren't always nice to you. So when my older brother, Mickey, got my a necklace, I was shocked. "What's this?" I asked "It's a necklace" "Well what do you want me to do with it?" "It's for you Mia, I want you to wear it". I asked myself it was some sort of special occasion or why in the world would Mickey spend his money on me? As I was wondering these things I put on the beautiful round, silver necklace. The second I put it on, the chain broke. I was so mad at myself for ruining the one thing Mickey has EVER gotten me. "Maybe I can fix it," I thought. I spent a good hour in my room fixing this necklace. I finally figured it out and it was good enough to wear.


About a month later, my older brother had to leave our house and spend a month in a facility for teens with alcohol issues. This necklace was even more important than usual. My little sister and I got into a physical fight a few weeks later. Without thinking about it, my sister broke my necklace but this time I couldn't fix it. I was so mad and started yelling at my sister. She didn't know what I was talking about because i didn't tell her that she broke my necklace.

Luckily for me, my great aunt, Joyce, used to fix jewelry. I gave her my necklace and asked if she can fix it for me. Joyce said she could and she would give it to me ASAP. Later that month I went to her house for a party. "Is my necklace ready" I asked "Sorry, I can't fix it but I gave it to my friend who said she can get a new chain for you." I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get it back right away but I was glad to know that it could be fixed. Finally, my aunt gave it to me and I never took it off.

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