Worry | Teen Ink


December 14, 2016
By knightsoccer11 BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
knightsoccer11 BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Mom,” I say “I need to get a costume for my saint project,”
“I need a hat and a cloak, all in black,”
“Okay, we will find something for your saint project.”
I few days later, I am sitting there at my desk working on the script when I hear something.
“Zach, come down here,” my Mother says.

I sprint down the stairs with a half worry and half happy smile, like it could be anything. I run to where my parents are and they show me what they have found for me. She hand me a cloak and a hat, all black. The cloak was my Dad’s graduation robe and a hat, probably from Wal-Mart. I am so disappointed, that I sulk back up the steps.

After a few months, today is the big day, now we present this project to our class.

“My name is Jose Maria Escriva… I died in… I was born in…” I review

The Mrs. Block calls “All right, kids lets present our saints,”

Oh no.  What if I mess up? Stop thinking about that.

“Thank you, Landon. Zach you’re up.” Oh no. why me? Can you just skip me?

Butterflies please go away. Why are my hands sweating like crazy? Oh, man.

My face gets red. My hands are trembling. Breath in breath out, I remind myself.

“Hi, my name is Jose Maria Escriva… I died in…and was born at around…” Just like that I was done, and I hurried off the stage.

After everyone was done Mrs. Block said “now let’s go to the gym and show everybody who our saints are.”
Oh, no, Why do we have to do this? I am going to embarrass myself. I panic and  get my box and button and head on over with my friends to the gym. I settle up next to the double doors to go outside from the gym. I am also a few feet away from Elias. I can feel my heart banging against my chest. Let me review this again. Okay I think  I have it.
“Alright here they come,” Mrs. Block says.
Oh, no. My heart beats at fifteen mph and my face gets red. Here come the younger people, sprinting in ready to go press the buttons. Some walked to mine, but all of a sudden my mouth gets dry, like the Sahara Dessert. once 4th grade was done, I run to the water fountain and drank as much as I can. Then sprint back, but I got back just in time for grades 6-8 to come. They ran over to our buttons and pressed them over and over again, which was not fun.
But in the end I was proud of myself for doing this. I leaned that if I worry to much on something, that isn’t a big deal I will worry.

The author's comments:

i don't want be to worry so much on the little things, and just live your life to the fullest.

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