Acceptance | Teen Ink


December 14, 2016
By Anonymous

I awake to hear my mom and dad calling for me. I bounce down the stairs at full speed with excitement wondering what is going on. What news did my parents have for me? I catch sight of my parents with a letter in their hands. Why do they have a letter? Is it for me?

I notice that the letter says the name of a private school on the front in big green letters. What is in the letter? Was I accepted or was I rejected? My curiosity takes over, so I decide I will read.

I tear open the letter with my thoughts rattling and read its contents. As I read, I hear my parents conversing, but I am to busy to listen to what they are saying. I hear  them say congratulations… doing great. After reading, I am stunned to find out that I have been accepted. All the hard work had finally paid off. I have achieved my goal that I had been working on for all my years at school.

Months ago, I had taken an exam to get into private school. I believed I had done well, but I had no idea of how well I actually did. I really worked hard at my school to get the best grades I could. I wish that I could find out if my grades were good enough for their standards. I want to be apart of the school, but I was unaware of what the school expected of their students. I could only hope that with all my hard work that I would be accepted as a student next year.

As the winter approached I get more and more anxious. The thought that I might not get accepted really bums me out. What do I have to do to increase my chances of being accepted. I decided I would work harder than I ever have because I wanted to get accepted.

I had two brothers before me who had gotten in, but I would be the first lifer and I thought that would set me apart from my brothers. I made sure that I got exceptional grades because I do not want people to think that the only reason I was accepted because my brothers had been accepted before me.

Three of my classmates and I wanted to go to private school. This worried me because I did not think they would accept four kids from one school for the same grade. Being separated from each other would be terrible because we have been at the same school for years. A friend of mine, George, once told me, “Jason, I don’t think all four of us can make it in because we all go to the same school.” After hearing George say this, I recalled a time when my mom had thought the same thing. She told me I would have to work much harder in order for me to get accepted. Will we all make it? If we all cannot make it, will I be one who does?

Now, the morning that I received the letter of acceptance. I thought to myself, “You did it. You got in.” I am excited, but I worry about one thing.

Did my friends get accepted too? Because I was so worried on whether or not I would get accepted, I had completely forgotten about my friends. I was worried about my friends, I thought I should find out if they had been accepted or not. After calling all my friends, I found out that all of us were accepted into school.
I thought this was amazing because we could stick together. I was delighted to know my friends were accepted because I really wanted to see them there with me. I also thought it would be great, if I had my friends, that I knew go there, before I went to my first classes at my new school.

My family all congratulate me, but I still do not feel like I was apart of my new school. I keep telling myself, “You are not a student yet. You need to finish the year off strong.” I make sure to keep doing my best, so I could be a student. The next years to come will be great because I will be at private school, and I will still be with my friends.

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