Friday Vampire | Teen Ink

Friday Vampire

December 14, 2016
By MIDAN BRONZE, Chatham, New Jersey
MIDAN BRONZE, Chatham, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I made my way to take my seat on the carpet, a sharp pain pierced through my head and tears started to fill my eyes.

Patrick asks “Are you okay?”

I can barely make out the words.

“Yes, I think so. Am I bleeding?”

“Nope, you are fine shake it off.”

My head feels exposed. I reach back and touch the wound. When my hand reaches my eyes it looks as if a red crayola marker exploded. I look back at Patrick and show him. He stares at me with a blank face, astonished at what he just saw.

My whole class had to follow from the classroom to the nurse’s office. Mrs. Difilia told the nurse that my classmate bit my head. The nurse gave me an icepack and said “You are going to be okay hold this on your head.” The freezing ice pack numbed the pain while while I was laying on the blue concrete of a bed they had set up.

“Your son got bit in the head in music class today and needs to be picked up. Also, bring him a new shirt.”

My mom arrived with my blue 1994 New York Rangers Stanley Cup champions t-shirt.

My mom bombards me with questions “Are you okay? What happened? Do you need to get stitches?”

Terrified of getting stitches I responded “I’m fine. Do not take me to the doctor.”

“You are going to the doctor even if you do not need stitches just to make sure that you are okay.”

  “Does your son prefer stitches or staples?” tears began to roll down my cheeks.

“Which is more effective?” replied my mom.

“They are both equally effective, but no hair will grow in that spot if he gets stitches.”

“He will get staples.” replied my mom “Can Dr.Moskowitz be the doctor to do them?”

“Sure. He will be right in.”

Dr. Moskowitz asks ,“Hello, what happened?” Dr. Moskowitz asks as he pulls on his white elastic gloves.

“He got bit at school today.”

“I am going to clean and numb the wound before I put the staples in.”

“Will it hurt?” I say with tears running down my cheek.

“Not a bit.”

He was wrong. Of course the staples didn't hurt, but when he put the cotton swab in to clean the wound and a wave of pain rushed over me!

After the staples were in I went home and was still bummed that I could not go and sing to the elderly with my friends. I begged my Mom to let me go to the nursing home.

I arrived at the nursing home wearing my New York Giants santa hat. Everyone surrounded me and was asking me questions. We all sang Christmas Carols to the elderly, and afterwards were treated with hot chocolate and donuts.

“Can my friends come over because it is Friday and I had to get staples today?”

My mom answers “Sure. Four staples for four friends.”

We played football, but this time it was touch because of my head instead of the usual tackle.  I learned that whenever something bad happens to you, your friends and family will always be there for you. Even though I had to get staples in my head it was a great day.

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