Stories of My Life | Teen Ink

Stories of My Life

December 15, 2016
By Anonymous

Chapter 1


I remember the last time I moved like it was yesterday. It actually happened a year ago. I hated it so much because I was being forced to leave the place to where I belonged. I had to leave all of my friends. I left the place where I knew a lot of people that accepted me and treated me like family. I move to Chicago. I moved a lot when I was a kid and it wasn't fun. I was so stressed in the process of moving. I lived in Chicago for a while and then I moved to Hobart Indiana. I lived in Hobart for a few years and it was hard on me when we had to leave.

When we had to pack up the house I had to go through all of my stuff and I had to get rid of a lot of it and it wasn't fun. I gave stuff to my friends and family friends and the rest I donated. I had to make the hard decisions of what to bring and what was getting left behind. I had no time to say goodbye to my best friends. I had gotten pulled out of school months before it ended so I only got to say goodbye to my friends that were at school that day. Luckily it was a Friday so I saw people at the football game that night. The following Monday was really hard on me. I went to school to officially get taken out of school and I had to go get my stuff from my locker and I walked around looking in every class room saying goodbye to everyone I could including teachers.

I was fighting with my parents more after they took me out of school because my doctor told them to. I still wish they would have let me finish my freshman year with my friends. Instead I had to finish it on my own, at home, and online. School isn't as fun when you have no friends to talk when you have free time. My depression hit hard when I finally  that we were actually moving. My favorite thing to do was listen to music and that's basically all I did. I tried to not take my family seriously. We were trying to move for years before we did. I would tell myself
" This is a joke. It has to be a joke.". In all reality it wasn't a joke it was real. We were really moving. They were actually taking me away from the place where I belonged. The place where I was happy. They took me away from all of my friends.

My friends all thought I was lying because when I said I was moving before and didn't they said I was lying. They thought that I wasn't going to school just for the day but when they saw me cleaning out my locker they knew I was actually leaving. They saw me the morning I was getting pulled out of school getting my book bag from my locker. I stopped and said goodbye to as many of my friends as I could. They were upset and they started crying. I lived in Indiana since second grade. I spent seven years in Indiana. I was scared when I first started there. Then I started talking to new people slowly making up my own little group of friends that soon expanded to a big group of friends to a huge group of friends. Now I only talk to one person. She has been there for me no matter what was happening. She was there for me through thick and thin.

Now I'm here and I'm starting to make a bunch of friends. I'm at a better school although I may not like the school it's more strict and it enforces the rules. My old school didn't really care. They would say stuff to try and get us to listen to the rules. The only time people would get detentions was when kids were absent too many times. A couple of kids got suspended because they were doing drugs in school. At my new school, however, we get detentions for wearing clothes that don't match the rules of our uniforms, for being late a certain amount of times, falling asleep in certain classes, ditching class, not wearing our uniforms, arriving to school after eight o'clock without someone calling you in, being absent to school without someone calling you in, saying things that aren't school appropriate, and a lot of other things.

I am better off at my new school and in Chicago. My new school cares more about me the my old school ever did. The teachers talk to me to try and help me get work done. They understand that I may need extra help to get easy assignment done. They have helped me more in one year the my old school did in seven years. It is amazing how much my new school has changed me in the span of a year. I went from failing every class to only failing one class. In the long run I am happy that we moved out here and that I'm at a better school because I can get started and think about what I would like to be when I'm older.


Chapter 2

I remember when I had to go to the E.R. to get my head stitched and stapled because I split it open two different times. The first time I did I was riding my friends bike and she didn't have breaks on it and I hit a tree fell off and hit my head lightly on the sidewalk. My friend saw me and thought I had a bloody nose then she saw the blood was coming from my forehead. She freaked out and started calling for my mom. I'm so happy that my grandma was at my house because my mom didn't know what to do.

My grandma tried to calm me down and I'd it didn't really work because I didn't know what happened all I know was there was blood on my face and everything was a blur. I couldn't remember what happened or how it happened or when it happened. Once I was calm I could explain what happened and when I was in the middle of explaining the doctor and nurses came in my room to stitched my forehead and I started screaming and crying which made my head start bleeding again. Once they numbed my forehead so I couldn't feel anything I was fine.

My grandma was talking to me and calming me down because when my mom tried i could tell that she was upset about what happened and it made me stressed. When I see my mom upset or stressed it makes me stressed.

The second time I split my head open my sister was running with her eyes closed and she pushed me into a light pole in our front yard. The top of it that could come off wasn't screwed on all the way fell off and hit me on the top of the head. It was heavy and it had sharp pieces on it. So it hit my head pretty hard and one of the sharp parts hit my head. I instantly started bleeding. I touched my face because I felt something running down my face and I looked at my hand and there was blood all over it.

My mom and my dad took me to the E.R. that time. And I was grateful they both came because I would not have been still because they had to staple my head together. When the doctor came into my room I started screaming and moving so they couldn't keep my head still. My dad ended up having to lay on top of my holding my head as soon as possible. He didn't hold my head still enough and the staples were too far apart and we didn't know that until we got home and I tried putting a shirt on and I lightly hit my head on accident and it started bleeding so we went back to the E.R. to see why my head was still bleeding every time I barely moved it. When my head got looked at it turned out my staples weren't close enough too keep my head from bleeding. They had to put glue over the stapes so that way my head stopped bleeding. They usually have to take the staples out when they put glue on but I was one of the lucky few that didn't have to have the staples taken out in order to put the glue on.

My mom felt bad I could tell by the look she had on her face she didn't want this to happen to me. I felt bad because I could have walked a different way to get to the house but I didn't know that she was going to run directly at me. I made sure she wasn't facing me and running because I knew that it would have ended bad. I knew one of us would have gotten hurt and I am so happy that it was me instead of her. My mom didn't need to worry about my sister getting hurt because my sister makes a big over the smallest things. The only thing I made seem worse then it actually was was when they went to put the staples in my head because I don't thing going in my body that don't belong. My least favorite thing is getting blood taken because I hate needles. I took care of myself once we got home. The only thing that I couldn't do by myself was wash my hair. The doctors even told me that my mom had to help me wash my hair so I didn't mess up my staples. If I got water where my staples were that would have been bad because water would have gotten into my cut. I had a higher chance of getting an infection if water got in it because bacteria like open wounds and moist places.


Chapter 3  

The item that I own that has a significant value to me is a pillow that has a shirt for a pillow case. The shirt on the pillow belonged to my cousin Connor. He passed away March of this year. The pillow to me is priceless and I wouldn't let anyone have it. I barely let people touch it. My sister and brother try to touch it all the time and that is the one thing I freak out about when they try to touch it. The pillow means more to me then anything in the world.

My pillow barely leaves my bed. It stays in the same spot on my bed until I decide to cuddle with it. I cried when my aunt gave it to me. I didn't know that she was going to give it to me. I remember the day she gave it to me like it was yesterday. It was a few days after they took my cousin off of life support and she had a celebration of his life. He was only fifteen years old when he passed away. Everyone in my family showed up to the party. We had fun we ran around and laughed. Then we also sat around and cried. There was a video that was pictures of him as he grew up. Most of us couldn't watch the video. Half way through the party my aunt went into my cousins old room and brought out two pillows with shirts on them. She gave one to my sister and one to me. Mine is a cream colored shirt with 3/4inch sleeves and brown sleeves.

I didn't let that pillow leave my side since my aunt gave it to me. I stayed inside and I sat on the couch and I didn't move. No one else would ever have my pillow because it means so much to me. I cried one day because thought I misplaced his while cleaning my room and making my bed. I thought I put it on my pile of blankets and pillow but I actually put it on my table. I cried until I found it that's how much it means to me.

My cousin and I were seven months and a day apart I was born in July of 2000 and he was born February of 2001. About a month after he turned 15 he got into a car accident that his dad caused. His dad misplace a five dollar hat that could have waited until they got home to find. So instead he dad pulled into the shoulder but he didn't pull all the way into the shoulder. That cause another car to hit the side of his car. Which caused a piece of wood to hit my cousin in the back of the head immediately cutting the blood flow to his brain. I found out on March 17 of this year. I stayed home from school the next day.

This year has been hard and with my cousins pillow the hard times have been easier. I'm cuddle with my cousins pillow every time I'm sad. I hold his pillow really close and think about all the good times me and him had. I remember playing Xbox for the first time with him. He taught me how to play his games. We played zombie games and racing games and dancing games and sport games. He always found ways to make me smile when I was depressed. He never knew that I was depressed because I didn't tell him but every time I frowned he would do so thing funny to make me laugh and smile.

When we were bored of the Xbox we would play broad games like life and monopoly. I had fun playing with him because most of the time his sister would play with us as well which made everything better. We would make weird jokes to make each other die laughing. We'd also help each other with drama. I'd always bother him when he was on the phone with his friends. I'd convince him to hang up and hangout with me since he never saw me. Me and him had a better time talking then he and his friends did.

My cousins pillow means more to me then anything could or ever will. You couldn't put a price on his pillow because to me it's priceless.

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