Talents | Teen Ink


December 19, 2016
By Evan_Edwards BRONZE, Platte City, Missouri
Evan_Edwards BRONZE, Platte City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


I have many talents people don’t know about, some may call them useless but, I call them gifts from God. Two of the talents are more prominent and impressive than others. You may think they’re weird but you will be jealous when you see me in the 2020 olympics in tokyo. Do I swim? No. Do I run? No. Do I jump? No. I walk. Speed walk to be exact. I know you’re asking “What’s the other talent?”. Well the answer is rollerblading.

I first discovered that i could speed walk in seventh grade, during cross country while we were on a long run. I began walking for fun because my teammates and i were messing around. Not only could i keep up with them but i was able to pass them. Over time my technique got better i got faster and i can sustain my speed for longer periods of time. With more and more practice i wish to take this gift and show it to the world. What better place than the olympics? This dream of my will take tremendous amounts of practice due to the longevity of the event. The race can range from 20 kilometers to 50 kilometers. I will begin practicing soon in order to be in perfect condition by 2020 to make the olympic team.

I first rollerbladed at a little roller rink in my grandmother’s tiny town. I was hooked from the moment i took to the floor, returning to my house days later i begged my parents to order a pair. None of the kids in my neighborhood wanted to rollerblade so while they would ride their bikes or scooters or skateboards, i was riding the perfect mode of transport, the wind blowing on my face, having complete control of my movements. It took awhile, 2 months, to finally convince my friends get some and blade with me. We began to have competitions of who could go the fastest, or we’d play different sports while rolling around, like basketball or hockey. Over time we began to get skilled at the art of blading. I can whip out my blades anytime and “shred it”.

I continue to love the gifts i was given, i will practice and do something special with them. These may be unusual talents but i think they’re great, they are a part of me. I hope, one day to be able to go to the olympics and show the world my gifts.

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