Klutz | Teen Ink


January 18, 2017
By Anonymous

I’ve always been clumsy. I don’t remember a time when I was growing up that I didn’t have some kind of scratch, bruise or injury. Since I was the youngest in my family and the youngest in my neighborhood, everyone would always make me do the dumbest stuff. They would have me do flips off our trampoline and into the pool. I’d ride my bike down some of the steepest hills around us and end up flipping head first over the handlebars. I remember one time my brother convinced me to hang from the ceiling fan and see how fast we could get the fan going before I would fall off. Needless to say, I knew most of the doctors and nurses at Saint Joseph's hospital.

I remember when we were younger my brother, neighbor Becky and I would sled down our front hill. Well one day we decided to roll snowballs down the hill and see how big they got. So, one at a time we let the tiny little ball roll down the hill. We’d pretend that the snowballs were racing and cheer them on. One day as we were doing this a car was driving by and slammed on their breaks. They rolled down the window and started screaming at us for no reason. As young kids we were scared and ran off to hide. While running my foot twisted in my snow boot and myboot then fell off. My brother ran to our other neighbor’s shed, while Becky ran and hid in our play fort. My brother heard me scream and came running back quick to help me get my boot. Once it was back on we heard what sounded like a car coming down the back road. We darted into the shed and climbed into boxes. As we did so a shelf fell and a can of paint fell on my hand. I started to cry and my brother shushed me. Then I heard it. That car drove all the way down to my neighbor’s shed looking for us. We closed the boxes quick as we heard car doors close. We heard a guy and girl get out and walk around. They were talking about seeing us go that way. Finally they got back into their car and left.

We got out of the boxes and hid in the shed for about five more minutes. Then my brother saw my hand. It was dark purple and deformed. He suddenly changed his attitude and said we needed to go back to the house. So we quickly and quietl shuffled up to my house. As we were about to walk in the door we saw Becky hiding. She ran over to us and we told her what had happened. We all agreed with a lie to tell my parents. We went inside and they rushed me to the hospital. I was only about six at the time. Little did we all know that this would be the start of something for me. Only this “something” wasn’t good. It was a very long list of injuries I would acquire over the years.

The author's comments:

not sure what im doing but ill give it a shot

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