In the End | Teen Ink

In the End

April 25, 2017
By Anonymous

My eyes were swollen, red, and watering. My heart ached, my head hurt, and my tears fell into my pillow. The days I thought I wasn't good enough for you. Was I clingy? Was I ugly? Was I scared to lose you? I didn't even know anymore. Why?

The constant screaming, the constant arguing, the "I hate you”s back and forth. The houses that you escaped to go somewhere else. That somewhere else you didn't even want. Those parents that you didn't even want. They tell you no every weekend. They make you clean the kitchen, the bathrooms, and anything and everything constantly. Why?

The inside jokes you have, the silly nicknames you gave each other. They ignore you sometimes; they make you confused. They can't pick between one or the other. The memories that you will always have. Then they drop you. That best friend, who promised there was no one better than you, that they will always be your friend. They lied, and hurt you, but why?

The first semester you had perfect, amazing grades. What happened? The F's you got on your Science tests and English exams, the tests that you actually studied for. You doubt yourself, you doubt everything you do. Why?

The swear words, the punches, the gossip. It is so unnecessary. The drama is all too much. Constantly talking behind their friends back backs at the lunch table. You get dragged in it. Why?

Everywhere they go, they sit. They sits there quietly. Everyone thinks their sad, depressed. Maybe they are, maybe they don't like society. Her family gets to her, her friends get to her, the drama, the school work, and even her boyfriend gets to her. The stress, the anxiety, the depression, it's just a stage they say.

It gets so bad, that she considers suicide. She considers overdosing. All of her doubting could end with one bottle, the one bottle, the one bottle. That one single bottle. She locks the door, texts her boyfriend, texts her beloved sister. Her boyfriend calls her, her sister ignores it. She is convinced not to. She puts that bottle up, and goes to bed. She goes to school, and repeats the cycle, again and again. Weeks past. That boyfriend is out of her life, her friends are out with their boyfriends. She takes that bottle, and swallows. She cries, and prays that she dies. Her friends text her. She ignores. She runs down to her dad and tells him what happened. He rushes her to the hospital. She's scared, she's rethinking. The only thought in her mind is her brother. The brother that hugged her before she went to the hospital. The brother who she hasn't hugged in months. She cries. The throws up, she gets blood drawn, and falls asleep. When she wakes up she's allowed to go home. She went to bed thinking how she's letting stupidity ruin her chance of living.

In the end, you will always have someone who cares about you. In the end, you may think that it is the right decision, but there is always and easier way out. 

The author's comments:

To anyone reading this, be care of your choices, because as I said, I changed my mind, and I am grateful for doing so.

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