American Cookouts | Teen Ink

American Cookouts

September 19, 2017
By hamilton620 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
hamilton620 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Alex,

Hamburgers, hotdogs, ribs, chicken..Does all of this sound foreign? These are the most popular meats at a barbeque. Summertime is a popular season in America because barbecues, or cookouts are held very often. It’s very common for someone to walk outside on a nice day and say “ooo, someone's grilling”....nothing beats that smell. In America, we get very excited for cookouts because we know what that means. Barbeques are a relaxing way to spend the day rebuilding connections with family and friends.

Cookouts mean lots of food and lots of fun. Along with meats, salads and chips are also very common at barbecues. The most popular side salads are potato, macaroni, and pasta salad. Grandma’s macaroni salad is by far my favorite. But, I’m even more fond of her desserts! Most cookouts have unique dishes that some people may not have heard of or tried. Most barbecues take place at a house with lots of land, a park, or even a lake.
Barbecues are very entertaining because of all the different activities that take place. Some of the most popular games at cookouts include volleyball, cornhole, and kan jam. Once everyone has finished consuming their food, they let their stomachs settle. After that, everyone knows what time it is...It's game time. Those who participate in the activities become very competitive. Volleyball is the most intense because it has the most action. Players get very amped up when they're winning, have an effective hit, or an ace. During the game, opposite teams find amusement in taunting one another. While playing volleyball, everyone’s shy side fades away. Cornhole can also become competitive if those who are playing are very determined to win. Ladder ball is a less intimate because most people like to chat as they're playing this game. Games at cookouts are very popular because they allow everyone to have fun and have a laugh.

Americans are very fond of the lake. Lakes are a great place to be because there is enough space to run around or swim. After running around for hours on end, people tend to build up a quench. Most people drink water and various types of soda. And sometimes, some of the adults like to enjoy an alcoholic beverage. Lakes tend to be very popular with kids and young teens because they like to go for a swim to cool down if they're too hot.
Another reason why cookouts are American is because you're bound to meet new people. Meeting new people could possibly lead to more friendships. Sometimes, people become close to their family that they've either never met or don't see very often. Even if everyone at the barbecue isn't familiar with each other, they find a way to always have fun and make sure everyone is included.

Blue skies and sunshine are one of America’s favorite things because it allows communities to spend the entire day outside, and when it comes to an end, they get to sprawl out in bed and have a good night of rest. They are a great way to meet new people and have fun with friends and family. Cookouts allow everybody to come together and appreciate the time they have to spend with each other.

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