I Have a Math Test Tomorrow | Teen Ink

I Have a Math Test Tomorrow

December 12, 2017
By Anonymous

it’s cold out and the air smells like when it gets dark early and the snow crunches underneath boot-clad feet. sometimes i can’t remember what it feels like to be awake until i get on my bike and the air freezes my fingertips till they’re numb. one day i got to school and felt frost crunch underneath my shoes and thought that this must be what life is.

good morning, everyone. let’s do ten exercises in an old textbook where someone has drawn a penis inside the front cover. then we’ll do an activity and you’ll talk to your tablemates. you don’t remember their names? that’s okay, neither do i, i’ve been working here for twelve years and i can’t remember the last time i took a s***, let alone gave a s***.

i think i might have entered a new plane of existence it’s 2am and i’m sitting at my desk staring at my spanish notes. i just tried to eat eraser shavings because i thought they were nerd candies but why would i have candy it’s 2am. my lamp is a poor imitation of the sunlight i’ll dread to see tomorrow i’m too tired for this just one more page then you’re done.

god we’re such cliches. why do you say that? because it’s 10am and we’re ditching class and i don’t want to do anything but ride this bike into that tree. do you think they’ve even noticed we’re gone? jesus mary and joseph i couldn’t care less; let’s see how long i can go down this path without breaking.

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