Pigeon Forge | Teen Ink

Pigeon Forge

December 15, 2017
By Humbertodarnell BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Humbertodarnell BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Don’t spank me”

Last summer I flew to Pigeon Forge Tennessee for a huge baseball tournament. The legend baseball star Cal Ripken Jr. had just finished building the brand new facility that we were going to play in. It was our first tournament out of state, Which made the experience even better for my teammates and I. The cool breeze swept the through the complex, and the mountain view in the background was amazing. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, since this was the last year that our team was eligible to play in any of these tournaments.


The festivities began the day we got there. We went back to the hotel and got our game jerseys on, for the pictures and introduction. Our whole team got to take a picture with a former worlds series winner, Tori Hunter. Once finished, everyone got their gloves and bats, and prepared for the two contests that would be taking place. The cut-off relay, and the home run derby. You could only submit one person from each team to the home run derby, and it was clear that our smartest entry was a kid names Sean. Sean was a normal sized kid with freckles, that could blast the ball .Our team ran to center field with hopes that we could snag a home run ball from Sean. Unfortunately, he was unable to hit any home runs. The smell of hotdogs and salty popcorn blew through the fields. I? looked up and saw the cloudless sky, that was pearly blue .The other contest was a relay, and me and three other kids were our teams representatives in the competition. We had practiced for this relay for hours, so we felt confident in the fact that we could execute this well. We were one of the first teams to go, so when we had the lead after we finished, we weren’t expecting it to last. As teams took their turns and never managed to top our time, we began to get more excited. As the last team went and didn’t beat our time, we rushed the field and celebrated the win.


When we got back from the events, it was already getting dark, and no one from the team eaten dinner. We all decided to go to a wing house that was within walking distance of the hotel, and tried to eat dinner as fast as possible because all the parents insisted we go to bed by 11 since we had to be up at 6:30 the next morning. Me and a group of kids decided to walk home early so we could shower up.

The next day, everyone met in the lobby all dressed and ready to play. We ate the free breakfast the hotel provided. Once finished there, the coaches took all the kids in a caravan of three separate cars, and hit their fields early so that we could kick the rust off before the games started. It was a very sunny day, but it didn’t feel nearly as hot as it usually did at practice. The first day didn’t matter much, we would play two games no matter what and it was just seeding,  which means that it just determined who we played the next day (elimination games).  Long story short, we ended up winning both of our games the first day, and that would help us out the next day. The coach’s made the curfew 9 o’clock when we got back to the hotel, which was kind of disappointing because nine o’clock seemed way too early for a Saturday. We headed to bed, and thought about championships as we drifted to sleep.

I woke up the next day, and went through the same process as the first day, breakfast, team meeting, then caravan to the Ripken fields together.  As we warmed up, it was clear that everyone was nervous for our first game. Once that was finished we went in the dugout and waited for the game to start. It was a double elimination so even if we lost this game we could still play another. We started off hot and it was enough to win the first game, but we ended up falling short the next two games we played, which knocked us out. It was disappointing to start 3-0, and then lose two games straight. I? still look back on that summer and wish I? had the same opportunity now, because I? wanted to win the whole thing that weekend. Either way, it was a great experience that I? got to have. As I? walked away from the fields, I? was really upset because we couldn’t do it, but now I? learned to appreciate that I? got to play that summer. I? remember walking away from those fields for the last time, and catching my final glimpse at the smoky mountains setting it’s shadow over the green grass fields.

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