Personal Memoir: Tornado | Teen Ink

Personal Memoir: Tornado

January 24, 2018
By madhatter_lou BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
madhatter_lou BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Personal Memoir: Dexter Tornado
It was March 15, 2012. It was the day where my life went from one place into a million pieces. Literally. I was getting ready to leave my house to go to the 6th grade student Night at the Museum festival. Surprisingly my whole family was home for the event. Usually my family is all over the place and never able to come to one place or the next. Rushing (as usual) to get ready to leave I sat down at the dinner table and inhaled my Kraft mac-n-cheese. My two brothers were out in the driveway shooting around some hockey pucks when they suddenly bursted through the door with their eyes as wide as water mellon. They screamed, “The sky! The sky! It’s green!” My dad immediately turned for the remote for the T.V. and turned on the news. There was a tornado heading towards Dexter. I quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed my most precious items. Pillow, Blanket, Phone, and anything else that I felt I needed. My mom was piling clothing up in the Basement to make a fort to protect us. We had no Idea what was coming, and I was so scared. Running up and down and up and down trying to take things my mom told me to bring down stairs as fast as possible. Last minute I had to grab the double stuff oreos from the kitchen and then I bolted back down the stairs for the final time to make it into the fort. Mom, Brandon, Dalton, and Me were all down in a huddle. My dad was still up stairs watching the news. He usually never comes down when there’s a bad storm. As my ears started to pop I look up to see my dad coming full speed down into the basement slamming the door behind him to join the huddle. We braced for impact, and I was expecting the worse. It was as if everything was moving in slow motion but yet going downhill so fast. I for a brief moment thought that I was going to die. When the Tornado was going ny it sounded like a freight train was tearing through our house. I peek up from the fort to look through the tiny windows in our basement were broken. I immediately see the bushes that were once there fly out of the ground.
Everything started to settle and my family and I were still sitting scrunched up. My dad made his way back up the stairs to see what the damage was. The ceiling had collapsed a tree came through the whole back living room of our house. 

Chapter 1: Dexter Tornado

Personal Memoir: Dexter Tornado

It was March 15, 2012. It was the day where my life went from one place into a million pieces. Literally. I was getting ready to leave my house to go to the 6th grade student Night at the Museum festival. Surprisingly my whole family was home for the event. Usually my family is all over the place and never able to come to one place or the next. Rushing (as usual) to get ready to leave I sat down at the dinner table and inhaled my Kraft mac-n-cheese. My two brothers were out in the driveway shooting around some hockey pucks when they suddenly bursted through the door with their eyes as wide as water mellon. They screamed, “The sky! The sky! It’s green!” My dad immediately turned for the remote for the T.V. and turned on the news. There was a tornado heading towards Dexter. I quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed my most precious items. Pillow, Blanket, Phone, and anything else that I felt I needed. My mom was piling clothing up in the Basement to make a fort to protect us. We had no Idea what was coming, and I was so scared. Running up and down and up and down trying to take things my mom told me to bring down stairs as fast as possible. Last minute I had to grab the double stuff oreos from the kitchen and then I bolted back down the stairs for the final time to make it into the fort. Mom, Brandon, Dalton, and Me were all down in a huddle. My dad was still up stairs watching the news. He usually never comes down when there’s a bad storm. As my ears started to pop I look up to see my dad coming full speed down into the basement slamming the door behind him to join the huddle. We braced for impact, and I was expecting the worse. It was as if everything was moving in slow motion but yet going downhill so fast. I for a brief moment thought that I was going to die. When the Tornado was going ny it sounded like a freight train was tearing through our house. I peek up from the fort to look through the tiny windows in our basement were broken. I immediately see the bushes that were once there fly out of the ground.
Everything started to settle and my family and I were still sitting scrunched up. My dad made his way back up the stairs to see what the damage was. The ceiling had collapsed a tree came through the whole back living room of our house. Insulation was blowing throughout the whole main floor of our house. The outside had come in. There were police coming from door to door in our neighborhood to see if everyone was okay. The panic had subsided, but this was when the devastation set in. I made it back up stairs, and made it outside as fast as I could. My mouth dropped to the ground and my heart sank. Everything that was there before was gone. 40 foot pine trees on either side of our house were chopped down like christmas trees. Everywhere I looked all I could see was pure destruction. In that moment I felt defeated, I had no idea what to do, I didn’t know what was happening or what the situation was. All I could think about was how my home was never going to be the same again. We lost 30 plus trees in my yard alone.
This was the event that caused my family to have a realization on how lucky we are to be alive and together. Although the tornado wasn’t one that was that deadly we felt extremely blessed to be alive. This moment was a scary and life changing situation. Something that I never thought I would have to experience. It just made me think and take to thought how I should be grateful for everything that I am able to have because you never know what life can throw at you. Especially when you least expect it.

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