Gaining Confidence On and Off the Road | Teen Ink

Gaining Confidence On and Off the Road

March 4, 2018
By Jaemiller BRONZE, Howell, Michigan
Jaemiller BRONZE, Howell, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Saturday August 5th, 2017 was the most nerve wracking day of my life. It was my drivers test. I had prepared over and over to feel the confidence of getting that perfect score. The morning of, I had butterflies in my stomach and felt like I was going to throw up. I kept thinking to myself that I would not be able to do this. 


As my dad and I got to the place where I began my test, I heard the voice of my instructor ask if I was ready. I say yes confidently, even though I was not feeling positive. I saw my dad in the rearview mirror giving me a thumbs up and and mouth “You’ve got this”. I felt sweat on the steering wheel from my sweaty palms. I smelt the tropical car freshener as it is swaying back and forth in front of the vent as I tasted the fear of failing this test.


While I took my test, my instructor kept complimenting how well I was doing. Hearing her positive feedback made me feel more relaxed and made the test go smoothly. When I got back to the parking lot where we began, she pulled out her briefcase. I knew exactly what was in there. I had the biggest smile on my face, it looked like I just won the lottery. My instructor pulled out a certificate and began to fill it out. After she filled it out, she handed it to me with a great big smile and said “Jaelynn, congratulations, you passed your drivers test”. When I heard those words, I let out the biggest sigh of relief. I could not be happier to hear my instructor say that after all the hard work and effort I put into preparing for this test.

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