The Day My Life Changed | Teen Ink

The Day My Life Changed

March 8, 2018
By Pedro2002 BRONZE, Rosemont, Illinois
Pedro2002 BRONZE, Rosemont, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When was a time that you were scared for your life or thought it was the end? Something really scary happened to me during school! An object fell on my head during a class. I was not really happy about it for about 3 seconds before I knew what had happening to me. According to my teachers that helped me and other students that were present during the accident  exclaimed that it looked like a crime scene!

8th period. I had the class of P.E, physical education, but this was not a normal P.E class. We as class went to gym everyday to get bigger and faster. A group of friends and I were those kids that tried hard in P.e class. That means we were alway trying new things and trying our best to lift heaver than we think. There were at times that we acted like ¨the three stooges¨ , doing dumb things. The group and I had a really good friendship with our teacher. He loved us because we bring life to the class.

It was monday, 2 days before school finals started. Again 8th period, I went to change to get to the gym with my class. So there I go all pumped up with my friends and teacher. Then, 10 minutes left before we had to change. Angel and l decided to go do some special push ups. The gym was hot, filled with kids, sunny outside, and I was really tired. I took an extension to put on a railing. I go up and start doing them ¨ 1,......2,.....3…..fou---¨ When i could not finish the last rep I dropped back to the floor. I didnt grab the extension that weighted like 10 or 15 pounds. BAM!! Hit the back of head. I start walking around like nothing happened I was all numb. After about 5 seconds i feel some fluid runnning throught by neck like if it was sweat. It starts to hurt really bad like if some one has hit me with a bat on the back of the head. I run my hand throught the back of my head. It’s cold. I look at my hand. If i am gonna be honest with you, it looked like I just put my hand in a bucket full of blood. ¨OH NO, NO, NO¨ My friends that i workout with exclaimed ¨ OH S**T At the moment i ran to my teacher as fast as i could. My head was about ti explode. The closer I got to him I was falling to the ground more and more. I was so tired that it felt like i was gonna go to sleep. Blood shooting out of a hole on the back of the head.

By the time i got to the teacher i was already on the ground with my face and shirt full of blood. ¨GET THE TRAINER!¨ ¨GIVE HIM SPACE!¨ I NEED A TOWEL¨ ¨NOWWW!¨

I was able to hear my P.E teacher scream at poeple. I could not see. I felt the cold floor, my whole body shaking, a liquid like fluid running and splashing on my shirt and neck, seeing fully black. I passed out.

I woke up in the wheel chair rushed to the nurses office with my face full of dry blood and the trainer holding 3 towels on the back of my head. While we were racing to the nurse I had a really blurry vision. I was able to see kids faces waitng fot the bell to ring. It was like if they saw a ghost passing by them. I get to the nurse and she got the same face for second. By the time I got to the nurse i was decent to know what was going on.
¨What happened¨ the nurse asked the trainer

¨They are saying that he was working out and a weight fell on his head and look… *shows my hole*.. when I got yelled at that their is an emergency in the fitness center, holly hell it looked like he got shot like a crime scene, his face was laying on a puddle of blood. I WAS SACARED!¨ The trainer spoke

After, they cleaned all the dry blood they called my parents that I had to go to the emergency room. I was waiting for 10 mins with a hole on my head.

Around 3:18ish I have arrived to the hospital. I had my head and eye wrapped. Right away the doctor attended  me, while my parents were filling out paper work. They stared to make th injury bigger to see what kind of layers of my head got cut and how deep the cut was. after one hour of waiting the docs said that I needed sowing stiches not staples.

¨ It almost cut through layers that can be dangerours to get cut of my head. If that was the case we will need sugery urgent. BUT luckly thats not the case here. 6-10 stiches would do it. AGAIN for abiut a hour of waiting the nurse comes and starts stiching my head up. Stitch after stich i was filling better.

That was a heck of a day. I learned that you have to see your sourroundings to make sure everything is safe. Also, don’t try to do more than you know you can espacialy  when your body is already exhausted for the day.

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