Runaway Roomba | Teen Ink

Runaway Roomba

May 15, 2018
By wduke1 BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
wduke1 BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My grandparents are fascinated with technology. I remember introducing my grandfather to the best procrastination tool of all time, YouTube. The only roble with introducing them to the new age technology is they always end up not understanding how to use it. I think they don’t understand it because they always have a free IT person to come fix it, AKA grandchildren. Why hire someone if you can sit back and watch teens instantly run over to try and be the top of the will.

One day my grandpa showed up with his newest toy, a Roomba. A Roomba is a "Robot maid" as he explained it. My Grandma loves it because it made her life so much easier. Instead of having to tell someone to sweep all she had to do was tell someone to turn on the Roomba.

One day I get the typical text in the family group message asking for help at my grandparents' house in exchange for a snack (a snack is usually crackers and spam, YUM). Being the favorite I arrived with a "meep, meep". Today was a little bit different, the Wi-Fi was on and the TV wasn’t s static. I asked what the problem was and my Grandma told me the Roomba is missing. The search began with looking under the furniture and closets. Since I had no luck the next step was getting the whole family to come do their part. It was like and Easter hunt except instead of 5 year olds we had 14 and up, and instead of spring it was 20 degrees outside. Eventually the family turned from a dysfunctional search crew to a more dysfunctional cleaning service. After the third sweep through the house my grandpa points out the front door was open. Jokingly I said, "Maybe it ran away." That was a mistake. For 3 days my Grandpa would search the bushes looking for it and my Grandma looked around the neighborhood on her walks.

After all hope was lost they gave up the search. However, about a month later I walked in and saw a black plat cleaning the floor. When I asked where it was my Grandma said," Your Grandfather thought it would be a good way to clean his truck." I guess even grandparents will lose their toys.

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