How Zayvior Changed Me | Teen Ink

How Zayvior Changed Me

May 21, 2018
By raven1027 BRONZE, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
raven1027 BRONZE, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

About my sister
Teen pregnancy is very common almost all around the world. My sister, Dashia is a teen mom—and seeing it first hand, I know how hard but special it is. Dashia had her son Zayvior at 17 and truthfully when she found out she didn’t know what to do. She was worried to tell my parents and feared they’d be disappointed or not supportive.  When she finally told them about her being pregnant they was disappointed as she knew and they really didn’t want to talk to my sister because of her mistake .my mom accepted it more than my dad because he’s way more protective and he felt like Zayvior’s dad wouldn’t want to be in his life. When Zayvior was first born I knew he would change everything I had in me.


Me changing
Having to be and aunt at the age of 13 is very hard. I’ve changed a lot in the past year since Zayvior has been born. I lost a lot of time I could of spent with my friends for Zayvior (I know I have more time to be a teenager and hang out with friends.) Whenever my friends would ask me if I can go to the movies or mall or other places I would say I can’t because I had to watch Zayvior. As I spent more and more time with him I learned how to take care of babies and now I’m ready for when my mom gives birth. I also know what it’s like to put someone else needs above your own, to have patience and to give.

Getting over my sisters pregnancy
  When my mom and dad got over the fact that Dashia was pregnant they decided to throw her a BIG baby shower. Because of friends and family Zayvior has everything he needs, he didn’t need his dad to be there for him when he had us. Now that Zayvior is getting older we spend more and more time together. I love Zayvior dearly. Him making me change was great I noticed life’s unexpected challenges and moments can turn into great joy.

The author's comments:

im 13

live in philidelphia

go to mba 

7th grade 

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