Some shocking news that changed my life forever | Teen Ink

Some shocking news that changed my life forever

May 21, 2018
By yafavyoyo BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
yafavyoyo BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the year of 2015 and I was having a normal day until I got some news that may have changed my life forever. It was me and brother and my 3 sisters. Then my older sister Amaryllis called me upstairs and told me she had to tell me something so I went upstairs and went to my sisters room but at the time Natalis and Amaryllis were not really the best at getting along but they were sisters and they knew that but they didn’t like eachother for things that happened in the past. So I went upstairs and I opened the room door and my sister told me to grab her phone off the dresser so I grabbed it and handed it to her so she took it from me and opened her phone and showed me a picture of a ultrasound of a baby that was still in someones stoamach so when I saw that picture my jaw dropped and I looked up at my sister and asked her ‘’whos baby is it’’. So my sister took a deep breath and said ‘’Its Natalis baby’’ so when she said that I was shocked because I was gonna be an aunt and I never thought my sister would ever have a baby. Therefore I was happy and sad at the same time because I was gonna be an aunty and I was gonna lose my sister.

So days went by and my mom had work and my stepdad went to go take her to work. So it was my sister Natalis watching me and my other siblings and my older sister Amaryllis was upstairs and Natalis told me and my other siblings to go upstairs so we got up and asked no questions and went upstairs. So we went upstairs and me and my siblings were all just hanging out upstairs so at that same moment my little sister Samiya asked for her bottle so I went down stairs and when I was at the last step I went to go grab the door knob so when I went to go grab the door knob I opened it and I when I opened the door I opened the door to see Natalis sitting on the couch with a boy and at that very same moment I saw lights outside so me and my sister looked at eachother and I just stood there staring at the boy and my sister got up and looked out the door and saw my stepdad and mom pull up and park and at that very same moment me and Natalis didn’t know what to do so my sister opened the door and pushed the boy outside and the boy ran and my mom and stepdad  ran to the door and it was to late for them to catch the boy and at that moment Natalis realized that she was caught. So my parents ran in the house and screamed at my sister and told her to go to her room so my sister ran upstairs crying and they were screaming at her telling her they wil talk about it tomorrow so while Natalis was running up the stairs  and Amaryllis ran out the living room asking what happened so she had realized that there was a boy in the house. So the next day my mom came home from work and called Natalis down stairs to got to the bathroom so Natalis came down stairs and went to the bathroom with my mom and while they were walking I saw my mom holding a bag that had a pregnancy test inside of it so a few mintues later they finally came out the bathroom and my mom said ’’SHES PREGNANT’’. So my stepdad looked at mom shocked. He got up so fast that Natalis just looked at them and flinched as if they were gonna hit her. So Natalis was trying to walk away and she was so scared she had realized that she was in big trouble and then my moms phone went off and Amaryllis had texted my mom that said Natalis is pregnant and my mom looked at it and texted her and she said ‘’how did you know and I just found out now’’ so my mom looked at me and my little sister and my brother were just standing there and my mom told us to go outside so my stepdad came out the room and started to scream and curse at my sister and my mom was too.

Then my mom was cooking at the time and they were just screaming at her and I felt really bad and when I looked inside I saw Natalis so scared and i didn’t know what was going through Natalis head but what I did know was that she was scared and she knew she felt bad and she was sorry. So after all that commotion happened my sister ran upstairs and my stepdad was getting dressed and my mom just continued cooking so few days pasted and my mom and stepdadv still wasn’t talking to my sister and then finally one day my mom and sister and stepdad started to talk again and my mom started to help out and help my sister buy stuff for my niece so next thing you couple days or months my niece was born and my mom went to the hospital and was with her and then a few days later Natalis came home with my niece named NALANI ALINA and its been a crazy experience.

Lastly my sister and my niece stood living with me for awhile and now today in the year of 2018 I have a niece and a brother in law and its been a crazy ride having and taking care and helping put take care of my niece and its been different seeing Natalis as a mother. I also like being a aunt and its different but it hasn’t completey changed my life but it has made me see things different and I see a lot of things that have been different in my life but it has changed me and my family and especially my sister.

Finally the lesson that I learned though out this whole experience is don’t ever judge people for making mistakes and everybody makes mistakes and people are not different from other people by having a baby at a young age DON’T EVER JUDGE PEOPLE.

The author's comments:

My name is Yolanda and I'm 13. I decided to write this memoir because it is important event that happened in my life.

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